Monday, December 28, 2015


When I heard that a Millennial actually fell off a fucking mountain because he was busy texting while walking...I had to see HOW...STUPID LOOKING...HE WAS.

Only this wasn't easy.

Like THIS fucking frustration:

Why can't I just read a news article and see a photo?

Have you noticed that the first websites that come up in a Google search (no doubt PAID to come up first) are from CNN and other video websites?

They don't just want to let you read news. They want to slap you in the face with ads. They want to blast a video at you, including 60 seconds of commercials before you can get the story.

And the video never comes up because there's always a fucking glitch of some kind.

Usually it's that you haven't downloaded today's new version of ADOBE FUCKWIT.

Finally, I did find a photo of JOSHUA TURDBALL, looking even more stupid than I thought he'd look. Yeah, this is the best photo of the moron that could be found. No doubt it's his FARCEBOOK photo.

One less asshole in the world. Meanwhile, dumb twats walk into walls, goofy nitwits trip on the sidewalk, and now and then some boob memorably walks straight into a hotel lobby's waterfall display or goldfish pond. ALL because they have to multi-pest and spend their lives squinting at their hand-held idiot boxes.

Every time you think the 21st Century can't get shittier..."what's that smell??"

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