Thursday, December 3, 2015


So. Great Britain is bombing OIL FIELDS.

You mean, we wouldn't have ISIS if this fucking world wasn't so dependent on hummus-faced psycho Muslims and their fucking oil?

I guess so.

Consider that drugs, which created bloodthirsty cartels in Mexico, Colombia and elsewhere, don't seem to be how ISIS or anyone else can fund world-scale terrorist activity.


IF I'M BEING HONEST, it's a fucking embarrassment that a piece of Muslim shit like THIS Farook faggot, could even harm a fly.

People thought it unlikely, that a well-dressed affluent Islam cocksucker living in PARADISE, fucking SUNNY CALIORNIA (not SUNNI CALIFORNIA) would go bonkers.

But he DID. He grabbed his bitch and got the assault rifles they just happened to think they needed, and which gun shops happily sold them, and they and blew away good, decent people. They destroyed 14 people who dedicated their lives to helping retards and disabled wrecks in wheelchairs. They destroyed people who weren't praying to fucking ALLAH the Imaginary Monkey in the Sky, but helping the miserable lives of unfortunates on Earth. So, FUCK YOU MUSLIMS, drown in your own oil. Time for YOU to get BLOWN THE FUCK UP.

BLACKEN the fucking skies of SYRIA with burning oil. Let that oil burn for EIGHT DAYS (irony, irony) and maybe we'll have some peace.

Maybe we'll still have a few Muzzies here and there going off their nut, but we won't have goddam pubic hair-faced assholes throwing fags off roofs and boasting about how they can dictate to the greatest nations on Earth. FUCK YOU MUSLIM PUNKS.

BOMBS AWAY. Only DON'T stop until Assad kills himself and ISIS assholes throw THEMSELVES off rooftops and go to see ALLAH.

People wanna forgive 9/11? 7/7? They want to be STUPID enough to think well-fed brothers bombing Boston was just an isolated nut-case?

That Charlie Hebdo deserved it?

NO excuse for Paris followed so closely by this cowardly act of lunacy in San Bernardino.


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