Wednesday, December 9, 2015


It's nice to see that on many British news sites the comments are overwhelmingly in favor of Donald Trump.

This is the common Brit expressing fear and disgust in seeing one of the most legendary and historic countries in the world turned into a pit of hummus.

TRUMP is RIGHT. Can anyone in England say they are NOT fearful of these murky, grim, fanatical Muslims in their midst?? Even the POLICE are frightened!

Being "politically correct" is fine...up to a point. The Paris and San Bernardino attacks are that point. ENOUGH.

ENOUGH with spoiled, nasty Muslims who destroy innocent lives after living the good life and getting paid more than the average citizen. ENOUGH with idiot excuses for people born in America or France or Great Britain who join ISIS and babble their love of Allah.

Hey, loonies, if you love your Allah so much, just kill yourselves and go hang with him that much sooner. Don't bring US along. And what's with your pussy God that he can't destroy Christians himself and he needs you smelly lot to help him?

Now who is a coward...the Muslim with the machine gun mowing down unarmed people...or Donald Trump who is risking his life every time he steps out in public?

DONALD J. TRUMP is a gutsy brave man.

He's rich. He could live the decadent life of a SAUDI PRINCE. Instead he's married, has raised decent children, and is now trying to win a job with a VERY HIGH MORTALITY RATE. How many Presidents have been shot and/or killed?

If you had Trump's money, would you make yourself an easy target for a sniper? He's doing that.

Compare this to Rowling, the Harry Potter fantasy bitch, who says "how horrible" about Trump, and says her mythical Voldemort isn't as bad. Hey, twat, Voldemort is FICTION. The body count in Paris and San Bernardino is FACT.

What happens, Rowling, when Muslims storm your home and burn you as a witch? To them, you are unholy. You are writing about wizards. You are NOT a faithful devotee to ALLAH. And, you twat, you do NOT cover up your body in black!

And right now he's asking the tough questions, making the tough statements, and all the other side can do is huff, "Oh, he's racist, he's terrible." Yeah? Where, Trump-haters, is your solution? You don't have any. Shutting the borders to monkeys is the best solution I've heard so far. And if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem, and could be part of the victim count the next time Muslims whip out automatic weapons or bombs.

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