Thursday, February 18, 2016


Ay, AY! Look! IZ A FEEESH!



Did you notice the Media SPIN on this? "Tourists" did it. That implies rich white people. Look at the picture. Not a single white person. It's all pie-faced Argentinians. They're "tourists?" What, they're from Guatemala? Paraguay?

Don't blame "tourists" for this.

The dumbest white people on the planet know that you can't keep a fish out of water.

Even Muslims who live in sandboxes and are nowhere near water know that.

With the fine Nation of Islam providing so many terrorists, and with Procol Harum continuing to rape and murder Nigerians (and extend their black death into neighboring countries), and of course with North Korea remaining insane and the block-headed countries of Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, Poland, etc. producing hammer-headed monsters, it's tough to keep up with ALL the ethnic shitpiles of the world.

There are the flashy Syrians who are now ruining the world by immigrating everywhere. Last night on Charlie Rose's talk show, some white simp was moaning that 1 in 4 kids in Turkey and Lebanon are actually SYRIAN and there are so many that there's no room in the schools for them. Woe, this white guy cried, we will have a "lost generation" of ignorant Syrians. As if we don't ALREADY have one.

He was moaning that while Syrians are now 1 in 4 as they infect Jordan and Lebanon and other Arab countries, America needs to take in more of them, and the problem with Germany having 800,000 to a million is they can't educate all of the spawn. EDUCATE them? To do what? To know that a fish shouldn't be taken out of water? That women shouldn't be circumcised and cloaked in black sheets? That there an be another religion besides SHIT or SUNNY?

But let's not bash the Arabs as the only psycho ethnic group with giant noses and hair all over themselves.

There are also idiotic Orthodox Jews, backward and arrogant and helping to promote the stereotypes used by antisemites.

There are the Irish who, well, talking in that fucking accent is MORE than enough reason to be disgusted with them. (PS, Scotland, FUCK YOU TOO, Arrrrrrgh!)

But...let's not forget an old favorite: SPICS.

Because nobody on the Irish or Scottish coast would think of dragging a fish out of water and taking selfies.

While Spain is the noble country that, like England, France and Italy took turns trying to conquer the whole fucking world, some of the places they invaded and left are now ARMPITS. That includes most of psycho Latin America and Mexico. Anyone want to add Puerto Rico?

Sad but true, all of these places had art, architecture, authors, poets, musicians, great thinkers...but they all crumbled because of too many dumbass fucking peasants and lowlifes.

Brazil? It's now a hell hole of decadence and murder. The great Assange would get his ass handed to him if he actually lived in Ecuador. That country, and those slimy countries that surround it, are loaded with drug cartels and bloodthirsty murderers.

It's been said very white countries, if you were poor, you were poor. There was still morality and common sense. You didn't have nice clothes but you didn't skip down the street slashing women in the face. You didn't have a great job but you also didn't overpopulate your home to the point where you couldn't feed everyone. You didn't go to the beach on a hot summer day and pull fish out of the water for a joke or a photo.

What the FUCK went on at this fucking beach? There was NOBODY to remind these greasy shit-colored assholes that a FISH lives in WATER and CAN NOT be passed around like a kitty cat?

Not ONE intelligent person said, "Put the dolphin BACK IN THE WATER it's DYING." Or didn't anybody say it in the prevailing language taking over half the fucking world, SPANISH?

Ignorance, self-entitlement and utter stupidity is what we have here, there and EVERYWHERE. About the one thing you can say in this case, as racist as it is, is that this would NOT have happened on an English-speaking beach. No, not even on the New Jersey shore.

Should we say something NICE about the Spics? OK, they didn't do what the Japs might've done, which is throw the dolphin down and start eating it raw, with their bare teeth.

What's with SPAIN compared to FRANCE and ENGLAND? Where Spain went, jabbering ignorant peasants were spawned. Any beach where French speaking or English speaking people would do something like this? It's hard NOT to be racist when the facts are so blatant.

Look at that photo. Look at those PEASANTS. Look at their stupid faces. We're supposed to forgive this shit and say, "Aw, they didn't get enough education?" It's too damn bad that it takes no intelligence to fornicate. It's easy to spawn dozens of idiots. In fact, in Brazil, that's EXACTLY what they're doing. They've cooked up some virus spread by bugs, that is creating pinheaded deformed brats. Or, rather, MORE of them. The response is to go send money and doctors to Brazil, because their eBola-retard disease might spread. And Jeez, if Argentina has people already stupid enough to keep a dolphin out of water, the last thing they need is MORE birth defects.

I knew a guy who was attacked by some blacks, and he tried to rationalize it: "They're like children. They don't know any better." Yeah? GROW UP. Even KIDS know that you can't take a fish out of water. But Spics in Argentina?

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