Thursday, February 25, 2016


I guess lawyers will just take the money if it's offered. They don't care how STUPID and GREEDY it makes them look. They're hired to defend a shit-for-brains, and the smell rubs off? Too bad. MONEY is a wonderful deodorant.

I refer to some twat named Erin Ranahan who is defending copyright theft and a blatant violation of intellectual property. She got her headlines.

Need I even go on?

That this case is even in front of a judge is outrageous. Hopefully it'll mean that the moron "fans" will LOSE and also PAY punitive damages and court fees. That'll teach 'em to shut the FUCK up with their "don't ruin our fun" self-entitlement. Maybe a judge will also say, "Gag Erin Ranahan with her panties. I'm TIRED of hearing her twaddle."

Yes, bailiff, reach under her skirt, pull her panties down and shove 'em in her yap.

Copyright means no dimwit can start making Mickey Mouse or Beatles cartoons. No asshole can say "I'm Batman's Son" and market his own line of comic books. It means we don't have to wait through dozens of "Rocky" and "Star Wars" movies that don't have the quality of the real thing. We're spared morons saying "The fine print in the ads admit it's UNAUTHORIZED, and you can see Sly Stallone and Harrison Ford aren't in 'em, and we're just having some fun..."

CHRIST, what nerve, to "crowdfund" a project using someone else's creations. Listen, as stupid as Three Stooges fans are, when some fuckhead was on Farcebook nyuking about how he wanted everyone to go on Kickstarter and help him raise money for colorized trading cards or a Halloween mask with Moe's face on it, he admitted: "Most of the money I need goes to LICENSING FEES."

Yes. LICENSING. Obeying copyright, trademark and intellectual property. It prevents ANY CUNTWELL or COCKBRAIN from being a fucking parasite and taking a bite out of the profits. Some jerk decided he'd be "Peter Lorre Jr." and change his name, and he found himself in court. Motivated by greed, fame, or just fanboy groveling, you are NOT ENTITLED to TAKE advantage of somebody else.


I suppose this twat Erin Ranahan has to put on some kind of a show, but to suggest that copyright owners should look the other way because they're disappointing FANS is BULLSHIT.

LICENSING means you go to the company and say "I want to make posters...I want to make an action figure...I want to create a musical based on your characters..."

Then you wait. And if you don't have an agent, and if you're an idiot, maybe you wait forever. FUCK YOU. This is a business. Who told YOU to take a slice?

You want to open a pizza shop and call it "Papa John Jr." because you're a FAN of the Papa John chain? Get permission. What's your fucking self-entitled rationale? "Oh, hey, people can tell it's not a franchise, I'm just having FUN. It's a tribute. I'm just getting free publicity and a lot more attention than if I called my joint "Papa Luigi." And you'll actually be a stubborn little prick and pay a twat named Erin Ranahan to stomp around in a courtroom like MOMMY and defend her little BOY for being...A FAN?"

It's one thing for a fanboy to wander around a memorabilia show dressed as a Klingon. It's quite another to go on Kickstarter or GoFundMe and declare, "Hey, gimme money so I can make a kewl film where Sulu fucks Klingons in the ass. Or what if the Starship Enterprise became an intergalactic whorehouse? Haw haw! I'll use trademarked names and copyrighted uniforms, and it'll be SOOOOOO great!! Why should Paramount complain? They're making millions, and I don't see how MY movie would hurt theirs."

Of course is the FAN simply made a space alien film using his own silly names and made-up costumes nobody would go see it. He can't even figure out how to write up a character, just steal the personality off some famous one instead. That's why he's being a parasite and COPYING and STEALING. And his lame excuse is "DON'T RUIN MY FUN?"

Erin Ranahan is a lawyer so nothing embarrasses her. Lawyers defend murderers, saying"he had too many sugar cookies that day" to "he has AFFLUENZA and is too rich to know right from wrong" to "if his fingerprints were at the scene it's because he's being framed."

If I were the judge I'd say right now, "This is your last chance, assholes. You fanboys are going to walk out NOW or you will not only PAY for your MOMMY LAWYER, but you're going to pay Paramount's legal fees down to the last fucking penny. Now, I'm gagging Erin Ranahan with her own panties, so she can't advise you on how important it is for HER to get publicity for herself. I will demand that YOU stand up and speak instead. Are you going to GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COURTROOM NOW, are you going to lose EVERY fucking penny YOU and YOUR PARENTS have?"

End of case. Let the brats go sobbing out the door muttering, "They ruined our fun..."

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