Sunday, February 28, 2016

Keeping Up with the Cunt Well

Hangin' around the inkwell that is the Internet, it's always fun to see how clueless bints spend their time. No, not Dried Baby. Shauna Cuntwell!

When you're just a 19 year-old yo-yo, the world of self is such a playground. She apparently leads a sheltered sexless life on a potato farm somewhere, so her harmless habit of upping 40 Taylor Swift cover versions to GooTube, as well as other vainglorious lameness, does keep her out of trouble (the 9 month kind).

We're familiar with her often comical attempts at getting attention when a million or more other idiots are doing the SAME thing. Type in her name and, country...and because she does have an unusual name, you'll get plenty of her cutesy pix and links to her lamebrained videos. Here's the unintentionally humorous way her cover of a Bieber tune was very correctly appraised:

Yes, a sorry cover indeed. They ALL are.

But remember, Taylor Swift has knickers older than Shauna. Our wide-eyed girl doesn't know the real world yet. It's just that instead of playing with dolls or spending an hour or two at home alone practicing the guitar, she's got a camcorder to annoy the world with.

She has enough spare change to pay all the usual hustlers who promise they'll get her work and get her attention.

Below, we see she's registered with some guyyyysss, who have their own TWATTER and FARCEBOOK page. Sign up with them and they'll tell the world about you. And hundreds of others. They're just a mill, taking a name and a link and upping it, doing dozens a day. Still, if she gets one legit click and someone actually takes a look at her GooTube vid, it MIGHT be a famous producer! It could be Dr. Luke, looking for new talent! (Oh no, no, that's the guy who discovered KESHA but allegedly pounded her precious puss when she wasn't in the mood).

"She is only 19, brain like a bean...."

In another year or two she'll have a bunch of kids, no job, and will have shut down her GooTube account, embarrassed over her bad singing, dopey hairstyles and idiotic come-ons. She'll tell her boyfriend Habib, "What was I thinking, posting all those bleating hamster cries and thinking anyone would take me seriously."

She won't be able to remove all the inane comments she's made on various teen-oriented websites as she surfed the net to read about her FAVES.

Shauna haunts celeb pages that talk about 20-something "hunk" actors she's in love with, and checks out teen fashion-tip pages, too. Sometimes she sees something that dismays her, and brings out her old fashioned Irish prudery. She checked out a video about how fashion models work and stay slim. You can just imagine her huge owl eyes shutting for a moment, her pouty mouth turning into an exasperated line, and the blood draining from her already vanilla-pale face! She left with her dignity, and a brief put-down of disgust.

Time for her to get back to work and find more of those "I need work" and "Hire me cheap" sites. And so we leave her as she posts a rather humiliatingly skimpy resume of her achievements in life.

Oh yes, all influential people and corporations check out resumes on the Internet when it comes to handing out well-paying assignments.

I like that line: "I have wrote a few of my own blogs." Yes, and I writ about her on this one, and having wrotten, don't even ask for a nice comment, guyyyyyssss.

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