Friday, March 13, 2015

Faggots are Politically INcorrect

How stupid are women? They don't see parody when it simpers in front of their noses.

What's a fag? This is an ignorant, annoying pansy who swishes around parodying women.

So tell me, CUNTS OF THE WORLD, why aren't you protesting?

What would happen if one of these faggots put on blackface and a nappy wig, and started singing "Old Black Joe?" Blacks would be enraged.

What if one of these faggots wore a stinking out-of-date black jacket, ridiculous black hat, and stringy side-curls and extra putty to make the nose bigger, and walked around whining 'Oy Oy OY!" That fag would be in the hospital.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, there's nothing remotely feminine or remotely complimentary about a guy being effeminate. He's not doing it to "pass" as a woman, he's doing it to be obnoxious. He's the ultimate passive-aggressive, because he knows that as long as he stays out of an alley, and clings to the arm of his indulgent friends, he can safely be a ridiculous gutless wimp.

This isn't the drag queen that sincerely admires and wants to be Bette Davis or even Dame Judi Dense. This isn't the tranny who is desperate to pass. This isn't the transgender who goes through tremendous pain and sacrifice to become SOME kind of female. NO. This is a fag. This is obviously a MAN, and it's a man who has adopted a way of walking and talking that he learned from other parodists.

Do you feel sorry for someone who can't function as a man and has to adopt ridiculously exaggerated female traits?

No. Not unless you also feel sorry for some Irish guy who dresses up as an Orthodox Jew because he can't cope, or some white idiot who tries to pass for black and uses a lot of "what it is, what it is" dialect. It's called "going too far." It is, in a word, insulting.

It is, in two words, "politically incorrect."

A black person trying to pass for white is scorned as "Pinky" or an "Uncle Tom" or even worse terms. You don't say "oh, that's adorable," you say "get some therapy, asshole, and cut it out."

You want to be "politically incorrect," then do it in private. Be as racist as you need to be, as faggoty as you want to be, or as delusional as you have to be. Just don't inflict your stupid, insulting behavior on normal people.

I'd say that this goes for "cosplay" (idiots in costumes) in general, but when people dress up as "Darth Vader" or "Dr. Who" or whoever or whatever, they think they're being real. They aren't playing a game. Effeminacy is not any kind of reality; it's a nasty, phony game. Going to a sporting event with your favorite player's uniform on? YOU are sincerely imagining you're that player. You want people to admire you and call you by that player's name. You're not going to the stadium in pink pants and a white lace shirt with a flouncy bow around your neck.

The truth is that most faggots can straighten up if they're told to. It's possible that Truman Capote actually had some kind of vocal affliction, and couldn't help his nasal voice or lisp. Quentin Crisp? Frankly, Francinely, he was insisting that he was fighting for the right to be one of the "Stately Homos of England." Even when he was in America, I assume. In truth, he wasn't careening around the streets being a pest. More like a Frankie Howard or even Kenneth Williams, he was just an obviously passive homosexual male...not a parody of a woman.

Gays who act a bit feminine? That's quite different from the loudmouth fruit who has to preen and prance and be center of attention, till the straight guys shake their heads and walk away, and the women shriek with delight and hug him dearly. They should be kicking him in the pants for parodying them, and if they could hear the snide, snarky comments he makes about them when they're not around, they'd know better.

Variety, different clothes, different accents, different ways of making a fool of yourself sexually...I get it, and mostly, I don't mind it. But put away the burnt cork, the fake accent, or talking in lispy italics. That shit is not politically correct.

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