Thursday, March 26, 2015

Of course, Lara Logan's rape was also because...THEY THOUGHT SHE WAS A JEW

With Lara Logan once again in the hospital, people have wondered how BRUTAL that attack could've been, and what kind of "internal tearing" and damage could be so traumatic that it hasn't healed after all those years.

Some, who somehow missed the story entirely, have re-visited interviews with her, wondering how members of Islam, that fine, fine religion, could do such a thing, and what SHE did to provoke it.

What she did, was she became a reporter seeking truth and giving people visuals that couldn't be spin-doctored. She was in Egypt to show the world how the common people were fighting to overthrow a dictator. But somehow, someone shouted "JEW!" and "Israeli Spy!" And the mob quickly separated her from the camera crew, and she was subjected to nearly 30 solid minutes of beating and abuse.

Yes, it didn't take much to convince a bunch of hideous monkeys that a blond white female reporter named Lara Logan Israeli JEW.

She said that's what sparked the attack. Not being American. All it took was some gorilla shouting she was an ISRAELI SPY. Then, "mob justice," the same as people have reported in India, Pakistan, and wherever gang rape and the subjugation and mutilation of women is praised...which would be EVERY MIDDLE EAST COUNTRY EXCEPT ISRAEL, my friends. Ask Jimmy Carter. He'll admit that "female circumcision" is "a tradition" and part of their "culture." Hopefully, during this attack, none of these Egyptians had a knife handy.

The good news for Lara Logan is, of course, that none of this really happened.

On Facebook and in forums, the people who know "the real truth," know better. They circulate those memes quoting Noam Chomsky, they tell you confidently that the Holocaust never happened, and they'll tell you Lara Logan was NEVER in EGYPT at ALL.

They'll tell you ("just sayin'") that Logan is CIA. Or Actually with Massad. Or something. She's being paid a fortune to continue the hoax.

Oh, Zionists and Libtards made up the story to make Egyptians look bad. They Photoshopped the picture of Logan OR, they hired a bunch of Jews to dress up as Egyptians and surround her. "Why aren't there any pictures or videos of Logan's attack," they'll ask. "How come 4Chan and the porn forums and Rotten and the other sites don't have pictures? There you are!"

I used to argue with STUPID. Now, I walk out of these forums, I de-friend or block neurotics and paranoids on social media, and have to accept that there are people who are dangerous and ignorant and their numbers are growing to the point of the total destruction of the planet.

What can you say about people who instead of volunteering their time to educate, to cure disease, to farm for food at least, to help some old person with daily chores, would rather be in a basement all day eating corn chips and guzzling soda and shouting "LIBTARD! LIBTARD! LIBTARD!" on social media? Or, stealing porn and Beach Boys music and screaming "Don't RUIN OUR FUN" and "We love you Pirate Bay!" What can you say about people who spend their welfare check on guns, tattoos, alcohol and meth, and whose entire view of world politics is: "Israel should be wiped off the Earth?"

What can you say about the actual media...the newspapers and news websites, who spend most of their time staring at Kim Kardashian's ass instead of reporting real news?

Most of the space in news reports is spent glamorizing monkey behavior ("Ooooh, look at the cell phone footage of 14 year-olds beating each other...") showing fails ("wait till you see how this kid falls down while trying to skateboard...") or a combo of both ("here's footage of a drunk driver on a suspended license plowing into a kid crossing the street and sending him ten feet into the air and breaking his skull...). Thrills a minute.

Now why in the world would Egyptians in the middle of a riot to protest Mubarak, think a reporter with a camera crew is a Jewish "spy," and what the hell would she by spying on in the middle of a public event intended to tell the world how lousy Mubarak is?? Nevermind, it's a good excuse to gang rape and humiliate a Jewess, right? Right. All's right with the world.

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