Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dearly Beloved ROBERT LEWIS DEAR : "Life Is Precious So I Kill People"

"What," says Robert Lewis Dear, your typical American psycho with easy gun access, "killing is WRONG?"

Doesn't he look surprised to even have been arrested for murdering three people at an abortion clinic?

PS, when he was surrounded, HE gave up. HE wanted to live. He didn't give that chance to a security guard and TWO WOMEN.

"Huh? I did the right thing. I'm a CHRISTIAN, so I don't believe in mercy.

"I'm an American so I have the RIGHT to own GUNS and SHOOT people.

"I believe there aren't enough people in the world so birth control and abortion are EVIL. Life is sacred, so I'll SHOOT anyone who wants to get advice on birth control!

"Hell no, I ain't adopting somebody else's kid! You either don't have sex or you pay the consequences and raise a child you can't afford and grow to hate."

"PS, jerking off and killing sperm that way...is FUN. Heeyuk heeeyuk haw haw haw...

Let's all treat Dear Mr. Dear gently. Let's make sure he has plenty of food that he likes, and let's make sure HE has a nice, nice, nice, NICE LONG LIFE.

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