Sunday, August 21, 2016

Captain Kirk Eats Pig Cunt - LET'S not WATCH!


And, no, this is NOT another post about ADELE.

In yet another "reality show" subbing for the sitcoms and dramas America can no longer produce in any quality, four "celebrities" who can't get work anywhere else, travel the world to embarrass themselves.

How about the old "ewwww, let's eat something disgusting" routine, which regurgitates a feature that was part of the old "Fear Factor" reality show?


I know, they make it TOO EASY, don't they? Making fun of a show where celebrities eat PIG CUNT is like making fun of ADELE or AMY SCHUMER for being obese pig cunts.

How pathetic that the Daily News (or any professional newspaper except the Grimsby Telegraph) would breathlessly report on this. While The New York Times stubbornly sticks by reporting "all the news FIT to print," everyone else goes hog wild.

How low do you go? We have D-listers bickering in houses, plastic Bachelors and Bachelorettes mewling over who they will ultimately choose as a partner, creepy American businessmen leering over their next money-making scheme on "Shark Tank," rubes shooting at animals, nitwits smashing their monster trucks and robot cars into each other, fatties moaning about losing weight, quack therapists putting druggies and nymphos on display, and a variety of "judges" screaming at dumb niggas while a variety of frowning white morons haul out dumb niggas and try to determine who the father of their niglet might be. Are we having fun yet, or are we witnessing the end of civilisation?

Even legit "reality" shows (if that's what you call "The Voice" or the "Got Talent" shows) are as tiresome as watching a baby suck a rubber nipple.

If you have any imagination, you already KNOW what this fucking "Eat the Pig Cunt" scene will be. Some of the "stars" will make faces. Some will blink and say, "Not bad," and Christ, we already know that ANY part of an animal, vegetable or insect is probably edible and can be cloaked in some kind of sugary, hot or spicy sauce. SO?

It's mildly surprising that Shatner would want to shit pig cunt a few hours after a taping. It's more surprising that he'd want to share the spotlight with 3 stooges competing in scripted "witty" remarks and face-making.

The biggest disappointment? You can't walk up to any of 'em and shout, "EAT PIG CUNT," because the answer would be, "I already did, and I got paid for it!"

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