Thursday, November 3, 2016

Bozo Bezos Has no Principles when it comes to Piracy

Some copyright owners send in takedowns because they need the money. They want to let pirates know that this is stealing. Others say "it's the principle of the thing." 

Too bad a lot of people don't think it's worth the time. Too bad big shots like Bozo Bezos of Amazon don't care. He tells his staffers not to sweat the small stuff. Does it matter that it's an outrage? That people who are stupid or self-entitled should be slapped down? 

This auction was from a weasel who figured he could sell any new book in a Kindle edition. Why? Er, uh, because copyright is copy wrong. Mmm, yeah, there's no copyright in Russia so therefore there's no copyright anywhere. Well, there's "fair use," see. And the GNU, whatever THAT is. 

This sneaky ad is easy for an author to overlook. The ad is very clever to NOT mention any author by name, and just show a picture of typical new books available for counterfeiting. A publisher hiring some moronic agency to be their web sheriff or their grayzone whitener would be surprised to see this auction, figuring his pro was stopping shit like this.   

The most obvious company that might spot an ad like this would be AMAZON. They own Kindle. It's a trademark. If they didn't catch this ad, would they stop it if it was brought to their attention? Wouldn't they step in and defend their trademark, and shut down somebody selling Kindle copies without a license? 

They could have filed a takedown and won. But they didn't. After being shown the abuse, they shrugged: 

Yes, Bozo Bezos instructed his clowns to pass the buck. Even though this auction clearly is in violation of Amazon's exclusive right to manufacture and sell Kindle editions of books, nobody would take one minute and, on the principle of it, if nothing else, slap down a punkish prat of a priggish prick who decided HE can make money because HE doesn't think his item infringes on copyright. Hell, copyright is, uh, what IS it there for? To protect the author and publisher? Duhhhhhhhhhh.

Ebay of course smugly says "we're just a venue." They're just pimps who take a percentage of whatever their whores can steal. 

Fortunately, an author's VeRO rep did step in and do the right thing, and this stupid, STUPID auction was ended. But it cost the author some time and effort. Kindle didn't pay a penny. Billionaire Bozo Bezos didn't pay a penny. 

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