Wednesday, October 23, 2013

8 Million Play: Where's BANKSY and Where's the Moron

America has become the laughing stock of the world. First off, as you see on this blog, because it finds the stupidest things entertaining and newsworthy. Stupid shit for stupid shit-heads.

Carrying on about Kardashian, or Banksy, or every stupid goofus with a dopey name like Trayyyon or Trayyyyvon or Avontayyyy (we'll get to HIM in a minute) is just telling the world that America has become a slum of retards and that the founding fathers who made the country great have been replaced by the marauding motherfuckers who have overbred and destroyed the culture and class and unity that was the UNITED States...the great nation that, immigrants all united and speaking English...saved the planet by winning World War I and World War II and keeping the fucking Commies from being worse than the Nazis over the last 60 years.

But now? Laugh, laugh, laugh!

At a time when the Russians are mean, the Chinese restrict the birth rate, and the Middle East monkeys threaten to blow up the world and the African assholes have the fucking nerve to commit piracy off the coast of Somalia and indulge in rape and cannibalism and mass murder in shopping malls...AMERICANS are whining about how much they want GAY MARRIAGE.

Believe it? THIS is the major issue in America...that some guy want to put on a wedding gown so he can prance down the aisle and call himself a bride. So he can then go skipping into Bed Bath and Beyond shrieking about wanting HERS AND HERS towels and a matching monogram on the toilet lid. Forget about pollution corruption, gun control, health care reform or anything else. A guy wants to stick his tongue up another guy's ass and distort the word "marriage." A civil union or legal partnership isn't enough. You have to take a term that means "Man and Wife" and literally fuck it up, like "gay" can no longer mean happy. (PS, most marriages are NOT happy, even if the two idiots are GAY).

Ugh. The Russians laugh at this and point out that the heavyweight champs of the world are NOT pussy-esque Americans anymore! The Chinese laugh, too, but they're too inscrutable to show it. The fucking Chinese...they laugh as Americans borrow money and sanction Chinese slave labor in factories. America is just happy that China sells 'em sneakers and Apple computers...even if China also exports counterfeits everywhere else, and has its own people happily watching pirated American movies and showing off fake Rolex watches and Louis Vuitton handbags.

Now what, with all this shit going on, do you suppose occupies the time of Americans in, let's say, the BIGGEST CITY, THE GREATEST CITY in the country?

Games. Games like "Where will BANKSY stencil another stupid bit of graffiti on public property to call attention to himself."


Yes, another black with a stupid first name. And what did he do to become the focus of daily TV broadcasts and bus shelter signs ALL over town?

He wandered away from his school. About THREE FUCKING WEEKS AGO. But the city is still putting posters up, people xerox and replace any paper sign missing from a bus shelter (and there are supposed to be NO signs on bus shelters for ANY reason), and TV news readers put on their saddest voice to say that the kid is STILL missing.

Yeah? What the fuck am I supposed to do about it? Keep an eye out for a retard? He's gonna magically appear in my neighborhood, which is nowhere near where he wandered away...or was perhaps abducted by any of the thousands of pedophile predators and sex offenders the city won't lock up? That's another reason Americans are laughed at; somebody can rape, somebody can molest, somebody can be a serial offender with a rap sheet longer than the collected lyrics of Eminem...and they'll get a few months in the clink and then be told to "register" as an "offender." Big deal.


OK, first day the moron goes missing, the TV news whiners can talk about it all they like. Second day. After that? We don't need to hear about it. For those who are amused by playing detective, go build a website for "WANTED" posters (which used to be in the post office) and all the signs for missing people, dogs and birds that morons let fly out a window.

As for signs on bus shelters and lamp posts? NO. It's illegal, an eyesore, and what's with the special treatment? Because it's a black retard? How many kids go missing every day? How many Alzheimers cases? How many victims of crimes would love to have a "have you seen this creep" sign of the perp posted for everyone to see? Somehow, the city goes ape shit over what BANKSY does, and THIS particular useless idiot.

Yeah, USELESS IDIOT. This kid is not going to be anything but a taxpayer burden all his life. His mother can bang out another dozen from her fat Louis Armstrong-lipped jizz slot. Not my fault he wandered off. Go sue the city for not having good enough security at his school. Go blame the teacher. At this point, the kid is either at the bottom of a river or having his bottom widened by some perv who you'll only catch by the nutjob in Cleveland who chained up three girls for a dozen years. One day he'll forget to lock the secret trap door or something.

The fucking sign says you should make extra copies, tape the signs up everywhere. It's been THREE WEEKS. But because it's a stupid black kid with a Latino last name, every black, Latino and white cretin is supposed to just wander zombie-like from bus shelter to lamp post, putting up these signs forever. Come on, shit-for-brains dumbass brigade, I thought we were supposed to never forget TRAYYYYYVON. Who has enough brain cells to remember more than one useless burden?

It's hard to care, when the usual amusement in the papers is something like 20 bright, useful children blown away in a Connecticut school. Or a child blasted to pieces and his sister losing a leg because a cowardly Arab (two words that go together well) decided to bomb the Boston Marathon. America didn't care much about them, did they? Not enough to implement gun control laws and reform immigration to keep Muslim lunatics out of the country.

So STILL seeing idiot posters THREE WEEKS after this mental midget disappeared is just ridiculous. Times up. It's back to the Kardashians. It's back to the usual idiot reports of fans punching each other at football and baseball games, and who had a wardrobe malfunction, and the latest innocent people attacked by homeless lunatics, bikers or Crips or homeys or whoever.

And so it goes...more bullshit about BANKSY, and what, because this moron has a black first name and a Latino last name, HE is more important than the other 100 or 200 people that went missing this month? Oh what a fucked up city and laughable nation.

It's just a tragedy, that's all...that BANKSY didn't disappear without a trace nearly 3 weeks ago...and AVONTAYYYYY wasn't found posing up against a wall, a black artistic silhouette to be admired as performance art.

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