Thursday, October 24, 2013

What? That has-been fag EMINEM made a new album? Fuck dat white nigga

Here's a flashback to the 20th Century...Eminem made a new album and the controversy is a song might be anti-gay.

How boring can it get?

First off, Eminem does not have songs. He has tuneless rants.

Who, besides useless scrawny white losers over 40, listen to anything from this tiresome sour pussy? Why hasn't he gone the way of Vanilla Ice and melted into some sweaty ghost haunting newspapers with a publicity sheet saying "I'll be doing a memorabilia show in Pawtucket, Rhode Island..."

Most of this fag's stupid shit has never been more than bitching and insulting other idiot rap morons and niggas, and yeah, making lurid comments about fags and anything else this low-class poorly educated drugged out goofball wants to sulk about. Fact is, HE is a fag. You take him away from a microphone and put him in a room with most any black dude, and that black dude would make him his beeee-atch.

The only thing more ridiculous than caring about Eminem anymore is to have a hissyfit over his use of the word "fag."

Especially coming from a nigga.

Sorry, all you irreverent Mister Blacks, when you call yourselves niggas, and use NIGGA in your rap, you are no better than Eminem. Either ALL the words go or ALL the words stay, and don't be faggots and pretend that misspelling nigger as nigga doesn't mean the same thing. OF COURSE IT DOES, you dumb nigga.

What's racist or sexist is calling Obama a nigga and Anderson Cooper a fag. They aren't. Kanye West is a nigga and Elton John is a fag. Got it?

The reason we have words, is to help us communicate. Describe. Get to the point. If I tell you some woman is a "bitch" or a "cunt" you know EXACTLY what I mean. You instantly have a picture of, not a WOMAN, not a LADY, but a selfish shrike who is going to deliberately be as nasty to you as she can. If I tell you some black guy was acting like a nigga (or nigger) you think of some delusional Kanye with a sour anus-mouth expression, sulking, conning, shucking, jiving, demanding respect he hasn't earned, wearing stupid clothes and maybe getting in yo' face with dumbass accusations if not violence. Fag? That's easy enough, you know this is some effeminate cowardly preening idiot in stupid clothes who is limp-wristed, deliberately campy and annoying, can't stop talking about BOYFRIENDS or anything petty (Broadway shows, "Big Bang Theory" and pesto sauce).

Why the FUCK should I have to spend a lot of time using a full sentence when bitch, nigga or fag gets it done instantly?

The problem is not the words, but those who don't use the words properly. Those people are stupid and usually racist and potentially dangerous. Too bad. You can't do much about that, anymore than you can do much with people who misuse their cars or their beer and become drunk driving murderers. You can't do much about jerks who misuse cellphones (ie, shouting their worthless and trivial blabber on a bus or while walking behind you on the street, when they could just GET OFF THE FUCKING PHONE and stop being such obnoxious bitches and shit-heads).

An important caveat: use the words wisely. Not all women are bitches. You shouldn't be routinely saying "shit" any more than you should routinely put garlic in all your food. Don't get into the habit of making a fucking adjective out of "fucking," in every sentence, and whatever words you find meanest and strongest...fag, nigger, kike, wop, Paki, Nazi, Savage...use them as cautiously as tabasco sauce on your fish. In many cases, they need not be used at all, and part of being civilized is to know when "shock" is just childish, and cursing mean and stupid.

But, what, you're supposed to mask these words? That's so pussy-esque it's almost faggy. Oooh: "He used the C-word, the N-Word!" That's absurd. You're still telling people the word is CUNT or NIGGER, and that word, un-said by Politically Correct Professor Piffle, IS sounded out by the person who heard it.

"He said the C-word," some blue-nose complains. You instantly understand: "He said CUNT." So does it matter if you heard C-Word or CUNT? No, the message has been sent either way.

Besides, what if the F-word is FUCK and not FAG? You've miscommunicated in your zeal to be politically correct, you fuckin' fag.

And how many more words must we censor and call by a first initial? And why, in this time where kids are murdering teachers, terrorists are mowing down entire shopping malls, and rude people think they have a right to be loud in public, steal music off the Internet, and bully the world on Facebook, and twerk and splooge and toss their ridiculous is it to pick on a few WORDS as if there's so much civility in daily life??

At the moment (only at the moment, perhaps) there is still such a thing as masculinity. Rock Hudson didn't look like a fag or act like one. There are fags who are a lot braver and gutsier than heteros, too. Go watch "Naked Civil Servant," and learn about Quentin Crisp, who preferred to get beaten up than change how he looked or spoke. (Well, maybe he was just a fag into masochism! But no...) There are guys who LIKE to dress and talk effeminately and be fags...just like there are middle class blacks who leave the house dressed like niggas because they wanna look dangerous and nasty with their pants around their thighs and baseball caps backward. And there are bitches out there who get off looking like sluts and showing most of their ass cheeks and tits. Nobody objects to these visual eyesores, idiotic attention seekers or prurient cunts who put it all out there just to piss people off. None of them get arrested for looking abnormal. But using a WORD is SO OUTRAGEOUS??

Censorship gets tricky, especially when it's filtered through an aversion to CERTAIN words only. Meaning, a gay black rapper will use NIGGA or FUCK OR SHIT but not FAG? How many black people hate the word NIGGA as much as they do NIGGER, and have to simply deal with the fact that "it is what it is," and NIGGA is not going away when it comes to hip hop, or everyday speech on the subway among other niggas?

How about WTBS, a super-station owned by Ted Turner who also owns the racist "Atlanta Braves?" First off, should he STOP with the fucking "Tomahawk Chop" and the mock-Native American drum beat and unga-wunga hiyo-kemosabe chanting at games? Should he also have a word with the shit-head white-honky owner of the "Washington Redskins?" Meanwhile, WTBS talk show host Conan O'Brien isn't censored if he says SHIT. But he is, when he says FUCK. Why is that?? Lenny Bruce would tell you it's because a priest and a rabbi have two different sets of does and don'ts. You can say SHIT because they both shit. But only one FUCKS. So because of the priest, FUCK is a much dirtier word than SHIT.

Gettin' dizzy? That's what I like! Boy George, who had to pick up shit from the street because he got into drug trouble and became just another criminal on sanitation patrol, is a fuck-up if he dresses like a bitch but denies the word fag. He needs to get his fucking shit together, because there are a lot of fags who would LOVE to be called a bitch, and many who get off on being called a fag, too, especially while getting the shit fucked out of 'em. So is it okay only in private and if it's fag to fag? How about the white fag who loves to get fucked by a nigga? How about all the people of every nationality and race who have a need to "talk dirty" during sex? What happens when Google's cameras and microphones pick it up, or hackers turn on the computer by remote control and broadcast-stream that private sex to a dozen websites for voyeurs? Arrest the couple?

Meanwhile, the other day a teenager (or was she younger than that) was gang raped and set on fire in India. Yeah, just another typical day in Wog-land. (Pardon me, but wogs would do that, not decent Indians). Get your priorities together and stop worrying about a has-been spindly pasty-faced cracker-brained honky-headed no-ass tiny-dick albino turd like Eminem.

Remember the immortal lyrics of the Bee Gees. "It's only words...and words are all I piss off you niggas, fags, bitches, cunts, shit-heads and fuckwads."

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