Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lobster Torturer LINDA BEAN, the QUEEN OF MEAN

So what's the deal, Reverend? God put animals here to be beaten and eaten? Except...a pet dog is not an animal? A cat? A goldfish trapped in a watery box? A bird was not meant to fly, but to be caged up in a confined space alone till it dies?

Now tell me about that gray a rabbit for Easter or for stew? What about the sheep or the goat? The noble horse is man's companion on the range, but entertainment on the race track (and who cares if it breaks a leg and must be shot) is also food for dogs.

Animals are used in movies, and now these movies have, in the end credits, a note that they "were not harmed" in the making of the film.

Food is mostly entertainment. We snack. We don't need to, but we do. The world is full of blobs...overweight slobs who eat not out of hunger or need, but as recreation.

Some food has a face. A brain. The ability to be a pet. Not only do we eat this creature, we can be downright savage about it. It's easier to NOT think, isn't it? To be as dumb as a pig? A cow?

The hypocrisy here is that the people who chomp on their hamburger because they're killing time between shopping and going to a movie (they already had lunch and it's too early for dinner), is they turn away from those slaughterhouse movies. They don't want to see how that disc of "hamburger" morphed from a bellowing agonized animal being cattle-prodded to its place for the final solution. The animal has heard the distress cries of the rest of its kind in line. It is in a panic. It knows fear. It is then zapped, zapped, and tortured some more, till it is literally slaughtered.

That's going on to a mammal. You and I are mammals.

Lobsters? Oh, they're a sub-species. How amusing it is to see them with their claws banded shut, literally tumbling into each other in a tank in a restaurant. You can go up and pick the one you want to be tortured and killed.

Linda Bean and others like her, don't see anything wrong with this. Supposedly there are humane ways to kill a lobster. But why bother? Put on that bib, get the lemon juice, and grin and smile. How civilized, this "human" race.

People laugh at those who have the people of PETA, and they laugh even harder at the notion that animals have feelings...except when it comes to their doggy, who really doesn't have a brain much bigger than a lobster's but makes a good groveling show of being subservient, and drooling like Miley Cyrus and paying rapt attention to their God-Owner no matter how stupid and brainless that person might be.

"People for the ETHICAL treatment of Animals."

Is it really asking so much to at least put a fish, a lobster, a baby mammal (veal, anyone...) to a quick death?

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