Thursday, October 31, 2013

Obnoxious Cunt Gets $40,000 For Showing Her Ratty Boobs

"Call attention to yourself," Spike Milligan declared on the radio one night, "Wear the new American invention...NOISE CLOTHING!"

Poor Spike. He had no idea just how mad the world would become. Clothing that makes strange noises? How about...NO CLOTHING AT ALL?

How about an obnoxious ugly cunt strolling around topless, with an annoying mustache painted on her repulsive face?

Some people have nothing better to do. They know that doing nothing can be BIG BUSINESS.

Every day in Times Square, a moron calling himself "The Naked Cowboy" stands around in his white cotton underpants posing for tourists...who pay him for the privilege.

Eventually there won't be any part of the city that isn't a freak show with some neurotic, some idiot, some crackpot, some faux artist being a pest and an eyesore.

In this case, proof that the world's gone mad is that there is no law against a woman going topless.

See, men and women are EQUAL. If men can be topless on a beach, or in a city park, so should women. Let's forget that men and women do not have similar breasts.

Hell, Assholes of the World, why even have separate bathrooms? Men and women are the SAME. They both have urethras (or, to use the proper term, "piss holes.") Who cares if a man's piss comes out of a tube outside the body and a woman's comes from inside?

Oh wait...not so fast...trannies seem to be able to use either the gents or the ladies room, and women escorting their 5 year-old boys can use both, too. So come on, let's tear down those awful awful LADIES and GENTS signs and let the shit hit the fan. Both men and women have assholes. And so are the lawmakers who think topless women and topless men are created equal.

Back to this awful-looking media whore. She's been arrested ten times, and LOVES IT. She just waited to file her suit, building up the arrests so she and her shyster could hit the city with a huge demand for a settlement...and then take, oh, $40,000 on settlement. Here's the prick who got her the money, and almost another $40,000 for himself.

One of the foremost irritants among the ambulance-chasers, Kuby is proud that he has made a big name for himself defending cop killers and psychos, deadbeats and scumbags, all in the name of civil liberties and free speech. What a racket. He and Gloria Allred. The name of the game is publicity. "Oh, the murderer is being defended by..." it'll be Kuby East Coast or Allred West Coast...anything to get their ugly mugs in the paper and get more and more clients and force taxpayers to pony up for every anti-social shitbag ever arrested.

Kuby was a young lawyer who learned his sleaze from an appropriately-named lawyer named Kunstler. Kunstler wasn't quite as creepy. He even had some decent, Liberal leanings and once in a while used his smarts to fight a "good fight." For example, he defended the Chicago 7 (and put Phil Ochs on the stand for what was almost a comedy routine) and earned praise for it. Rightly so. But he also was full of eog, full of shit more often than not, and got caught up in defending virtually anyone who was anti-establishment, even if that person might be a murderer.

This smirking bitch, who you could call "street artist" or just "brainless whore," wouldn't be walking around topless, with an idiotic mustache painted on, unless she was getting MONEY and FAME for it. Otherwise she should be carted off to Bellevue for being insane, right?

No no, not in this mad, mad, mad, mad world. Let the homeless menace everyone. Let the panhandlers do as they please. Let morons go naked in the streets. ALL IS PERMITTED.

It will only get worse under Mayor De Blasio, a hack who managed to sneak in because the sensible candidate (Lhota) is dull and worked well with previous mayors. Also, the city is overrun with minority crazies who no longer want a tough, law-and-order mayor like Giulliani or Bloomberg, and instead want a guy who is married to a black woman, has two black kids, and has guaranteed that when elected, will fire the current police commissioner and end "stop and frisk," whereby cops can check gang members and thugs for hidden weapons.

As dumb as most cops are, as ignorant of the law as they are, as much of a bullying bunch of Fascist scum as they are, they still should've been able to arrest and fine this bitch under existing laws related to being a public nuisance" or "loitering" or some other misdemeanor. Too bad that the city can't afford to pay anybody with a brain to be a lawyer. Lawyers are greedy bastards and know private practice is much more lucrative.

Take a look at this inane bitch proudly posing out on the street (but covering a bit because, Good Lord, the newspapers actually DON'T allow topless images — yet — as they do in England).

See the little black girl I've circled?

What is that little girl's parent supposed to tell that child?

"Don't look at the crazy white lady showing her boobies...she's just...uh....making $40,000. And her lawyer, just about the same. And she could be a whore who waits for just the right amount of money a stranger flashes, and off she goes. But just because the city says this is all right, please, daughter, don't look at her as a role model. Now let's go back to our hovel in the projects, and hope we aren't mugged, or shot by random gunfire...the cops no longer "stop and frisk" loitering monkey bastards who roam in gang-packs in our 'hood.'"

We used to have eccentrics like Dali. We had Milligan who didn't need to be stupid on the street but instead got paid to be funny and entertaining on the radio or on TV. When The Beatles played their rooftop concert it was a naive one-off and filmed, not something evil and crass...and they didn't sue the city when they were asked to cease and desist.

This cunt wants to be a cross between Banksy and Madonna, and will probably try and get herself arrested again and again. She's taken her stupid painted mustache and ratty Marilyn Monroe wig and flashed her tits at St. Patrick's Cathedral, so thanks to Kuby-doo, the dirtbag, the obnoxious simian-face with the 60's ponytail, she'll be going for increasingly more high-profile locations to get attention. Lax laws, lower standards in entertainment, and the newspapers now resorting more and more to freak show reporting...may help her get exactly what she wants.

When and if people get bored with her stupid mustache and her tatty tits...maybe she can harness up a strap-on and fuck Kuby up the ass on the court house steps.

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