Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Simple-Minded PARIS HILTON Dresses up as Viley Virus

Jay Leno once said that an "eternity" was the time it took for Paris Hilton to answer one of his questions intelligently.

Look at her face. She is the stupidest looking bitch on the planet with her dull glazed eyes and that retarded mouth lamely smirking.

She has shit for brains.

The proof is that she thinks she can regain attention...by wearing the same outfit VILEY VIRUS wore on TV. How moronic is that? How unoriginal. Paris Hilton is ready to steal from another brain-dead pop moron just to get noticed!

The cocksucker became "a star," after all, for being too stupid to see she was being videotaped. Lucky for her, she was also too stupid to be shamed, and happily went from bathing in sperm to bathing in the spotlight. "Look at me, nothing embarrasses me, I'm rich and now...FAMOUS!"

One thing these two cunts have in common is an enraging sense of self. They tell the world that it's good to be a slut, good to have no inhibitions, good to be hedonistic, good not to care about anyone else...especially working parents who have enough problems without trying to explain to their daughters why it's OK for PARIS or VILEY to be selfish and disgusting but it's not something to emulate.

Paris Hilton steals an outfit and dresses up as Viley Virus because she has no taste and doesn't know right from wrong. She's the rich bitch who'd steal candy from a baby because she was too lazy to even ask the butler to order some from the corner store. And Viley? She's given an interview to Cosmopolitan bragging about how much FUN she has, and how everyone is SO jealous of her. That's the level of her delusion and bratty self-absorption.

Wise people say give to others, be respectful to your elders, and learn lessons of humility and charity. Cunts like Paris and Viley Virus sure ain't Mother Theresa. They aren't humanitarians. They aren't role models for a good and rewarding life or getting along with people. What they are, are freaks. They are among the few who have managed to sell the message that evil triumphs over good, and crime (including the sin of false pride) pays. Except...take a look at Lohan. At Bynes. At a long, long list of goodtime girls and vain actresses and singers who ended up overdosed and dead or divorced, fat and broke.

How attractive...Paris Hilton's lifestyle, Viley Virus's lifestyle. Until you see them fall over. Until you realize that both of them are ugly and stupid. That Paris Hilton's face wouldn't be out of place on the body of an ant eater. That Viley Virus looks like she should be playing Dennis the Menace in a movie at Hell's Octoplex.

Paris dressing up as Viley. Yeah, that's a Halloween nightmare. I wouldn't fuck her with Viley's sponge rubber finger!

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