Monday, October 21, 2013

Look at the Clown: ANTHONY LISTER

Want to see a real asshole? Here ya go...

Oooh, he is EDGY! He's what's happening! This is one SERIOUS DUDE...

He's a...GRAFFITI ARTIST. He's supposed to be AWESOME.

Except he makes me laugh. Trick or Treat, Anthony...gonna wear that shit on Halloween?

His "art" is the same shit as every other graffiti "artist." It's just spray-painted words, underground comic-level crap that looks like every other high schooler's doodles, and the kind of blotches and splotches that would make even Jackson Pollock spit in disgust and say "enough's enough."

Lister's come up with the notion that if he dresses like a fool, fashionistas and fakers and clique-heads will follow him around as he spray-paints buildings and keeps re-adjusting his butt plug. The name of the game in the art getting attention in the worst ways possible. Like...

raiding Mommy's attic and pulling her pack-rat garbage out of storage boxes.

First off, Mommy's winter coat, the garish one she stopped wearing when people kept calling her "Red Bull."

Right, Listerine, put that on, and immediately give everyone a bad taste in their mouths.

Next...gloves! Right, your studio is cold. You want to give off that "La Boheme" vibe. Or, excuse me..."RENT," as you never heard of "La Boheme."

Now the obligatory cigarette dangling off your lower lip. Which I suppose is more photogenic than the dick that probably dangles off it most nights.

Oh, the ELTON JOHN SUNGLASSES. You are way too cool to look anyone in the eye. Actually, you're too gutless to do that. That's what divas are all about...looking sullen, staring off into space, and acting OH SO Miss Understood and alienated.

Well, yeah, you've been alienated from "talent" since you minced out of Drawing 101, convinced you could do better with a spray can and a Facebook page.

Now let's not overlook that crowning achievement, the top of a pineapple that you glued to your head.

Punk. VERY punk, Antonia.

Now sit there with your "art" in the background...the irritating and imitative idiocy YOU think is "original." It ain't.

Pathetic, isn't he?

This is what the "gangtsa" world of graffiti is? Hardly. This is just what lazy copycat clique-loving Cleopatras THINK is "gangsta" or "edgy." This guy will probably end up spray-painting a building in L.A. one day and getting the shit kicked out of him by a few 120 pound Chicanos. Then he'll go whining to the L.A. Times that it was a bias crime, and hope to get the same kind of coverage Banksy gets for doing next to nothing. "Lister gets a blister; beaten by graffiti artists who say he invaded their turf."

Tell me, do you think this building looked better with Lister's crap on it? The building didn't think so. It began to crumble, just to get the paint off it.

There are some Dedicated Followers of Fashion...and atrociously bad art...who are so desperate to be hip, so desperate to hang with the "young folks," that they blink their eyes in wonder at GARBAGE like the above. As if a light bulb went off over their heads, they gasp and say, "This is NEW! This is BRILLIANT! Out with the OLD! Step aside and give these NEW ARTISTS their chance! Why, why yes, all is permitted, and piss in a glass is art, walking around abusing public property is art, ugly splotches of paint is art and let's forget the old concepts of "truth and beauty" in favor of fakery and eyesores...from spoiled brats who want instant fame and figure to get it by selfish stupid graffiti.

How many assholes like Lister are there, who vandalize to call attention to themselves? So many that they end up vandalizing each other...which is what's going on in NYC, where Banksy's witless silhouettes are getting covered over by more spray paint.

There are even mutant worms who dress more ridiculously than Lister.

This is art? Amusement? Entertainment? How pathetic is it, that in the greatest city in the world, the "big story" is waiting, like a fetid treasure hunt, for where the next BANKSY graffiti will appear? The Daily News and NY Post both cover this shit every day: "Where's the latest BANKSY? Oh here! Here it is! Look everyone, go to THIS location before it gets defaced..."

Really? The greatest, most sophisticated city, and BANKSY, like the Maharishi, makes a fool of everyone? Some jerk has a website, announces he'll have 30 days of guerrilla graffiti garbage...and the Post, the News, and the rest of the media has nothing better to do than cover it? And be impressed by it? That some cowardly cocksucker gets up at 4 in the morning and quickly stencils some piece of shit on a wall and scurries away giggling like an eight-year-old girl?

The only reason LISTER isn't copying this is that he's too busy striking his sulk-poses for his Fecesbook page. He looks like he sat on his spray can and doesn't know whether to call a proctologist, jerk off, or go on stage and bend over and declare he's now a performance artist.

Jerks like Lister sure know how to self-promote, and how to pretentiously and shamelessly put a spin on any piece of shit they throw against a wall:

Are you fooled by that self-important verbiage...and that eyesore on the wall?

I don't know why Anthony Lister bothers with a cigarette...he can just open his mouth and release the smoke he's blown up his own ass.

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