Thursday, October 17, 2013


Sulky dirtbag Kanye West is the moron who hollers wolf. The latent homo who wants to design leather dresses for men and is so pouty because fashionistas laugh at him and won't give him his own clothing line, can't just shut the fuck up and sell his shitty rap garbage to his simian fans. He has to show up everywhere with his ugly fat-assed media-whore Kunt-douchian, glowering at the photographers he pretends to hate.

Kim the Kunt...she never goes away. If a photographer isn't around to snap the latest wart on her ass, she'll do a "selfie" and post it...because Keeping up the Kunt-douchian means having to see her stupid cow face every fucking day.

They are so LOW CLASS, aren't they? There used to be Liz and Dick, Sonny and Cher, Farrah and Lee name 'em...loving couples who smiled, dressed well, and gave us good entertainment.

Now? The premiere couple is this shit combo...dirtbag and turd head. Obnoxious cock and arrogant cunt. Or, arrogant cock and obnoxious cunt.

Then, Kanye the Conman has the fucking nerve to complain that he's disrespected! He grouses that photographers should leave him and his family alone. Yeah? If you want to be respected, produce a song that doesn't suck. Entertain people and make them smile instead of inciting them to riot. And tell your whorish bitch to give up her "reality" show and stop acting like a streetwalking meth addict. She can be a mother to her baby, which could be a full time job if she had any real love in her heart or anything beyond gutter selfishness.

Celebrities who have taste and manners to attend movies, shows and parties...and NOT get into fights with paparazzi. Because they don't walk around with Halloween mask expressions of rap-Hitler disdain, and they don't have wardrobe malfunctions and dress like brainless sluts. They also have enough humility, brains and class to not need to be a public spectacle. They might stay home, actually STAY AT HOME for a night or two. You'd think these two baboons would have a playroom or two or three with some video games, a pool table, or other diversions. Maybe a library to READ A BOOK?

No, these classless hypocrites get off on having their every burp and fart reported in the paper. Fuck off, the two of you, with this crap about how you want to be left alone. Fuck off with this blab about how all you want to do is make people "happy." Nothing the two of you have done makes ANYONE happy...but that's entertainment these days...the more disgusting the better. People are amused by bad behavior instead of a good movie or a song. They are titillated by reading about gold-plated toilets, and fights at airports, and "selfies" of a stupid bitch photographing her own ass.

Why, Kim, DID you photograph your own ass? You wanted to make sure it's still there? Where do you think the shit stink is coming from? It's not all Kanye's breath, ya know.

The media finally got tired of Paris Hilton and her simpering, sickly smile and druggy heavy-lidded totally unsexual gaze, and her stupid remarks and her preening princess-like attitude. What was she? A dumbass bitch who blew a guy while a camcorder was running, and she became famous for it. Instead of being jeered as a brainless slut, she became a "star." All because her last name was Hilton.

Kim Kunt Trashian, who became a "star" THE SAME WAY. She was on her way out as an ugly cow on a boring "reality" show...until she hooked up with Kanye, who was just a hip-hop hack no different than any other jerk with a silly first name oor some set of COOL-J initials. A clod hip-hop clown sticks his dirty soup bone into the infected twat of a tiresome cow on a rancidly stale "reality" show...and (big bang theory) the universe explodes and the media can't stop talking about 'em.

They are an ugly couple, aren't they? No class at all. They reflect the population at overpopulating swamp of semi-humans who are descending back into monkey violence and ape superstition, because they are born of sluts and scumbags who...have...NO CLASS...AT ALL.

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