Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lennon Graffiti Removed Just In Time

A few days ago, John Lennon's star was attacked with graffiti.

John Lennon would be celebrating his 73rd birthday tomorrow, were it not for a pudgy fucking dimwit who only the NRA and his shit-head wife love.

How easy it is for any moron to get a gun and shoot somebody in the back.

I think you know that line about turning swords into ploughshares. Is it not possible for gun manufacturers to find something ELSE to manufacture? Bloodthirsty greedheaded short-sighted narrow-minded hypocrites. Have a few of them stay around to sate the needs of Obama and Putin, and the rest of them get some kind of subsidy so they can change over to making metal cans or something.

The jerk who shot Lennon should not have had it so easy. He should've had to go lurk his fat face in the underground, cough up hundreds for his weapon...and just when it was handed to him, gotten kicked in the balls and had the gun taken back. "Fuck you, loser, go raise more money and try again!"

So. How is everyone honoring John these days?

In New York, an asshole haunts "Strawberry Fields" every day hawking unauthorized John Lennon buttons (ooh, freedom of speech) and pestering tourists for donations because HE put shitty looking snapshots and magazine page pictures all over the mosaic. He also throws whatever flowers he's stolen on it. Then HE, RULER OF STRAWBERRY FIELDS, hassles anyone who picks up a photo to look at it, or pushes some flowers away in order to sit down and have a photo taken. Some days he's joined by a few other assholes, who sing Beatles songs and demand tips, or do other scumbaggery that Lennon would've grimaced at over his shoulder as he walked away. Maybe he'd call back a "Fuck you," as he left.

In California, there's the infamous "Walk of Fame," whereby the corrupt pieces of shit who run it, demand $10,000 or more to "consider" a star eligible. Oh, they'll happily lick the ass of a very famous star and invite the star to a ceremony and fawn and grovel and make sure the publicity machine is well oiled. But someone deserving but no longer in the spotlight...nope, you better pony up out of your savings, Star of the Past, or have a fan club so big that people donate and raise that money! See, "Fame" is equated to "Money." Give us the money, we'll declare anyone worthy of a star. Go check for yourself. Find a photo of any street that's part of the walk of fame...and notice the absolute drek of humanity that pockmarks it...disc jockeys, clods who were in one bad sitcom or other, quiz show hosts...pay up, and you're immortalized.

John Lennon and his three partners did not have to pay, of course, but it was up to his fans to become janitors and arduously clean the graffiti that was on his star. Paul, George and Ringo were unmarked. I guess the graffiti assholes thought it was "cool" to save their idiocy for the assassinated one. What a wonderful show of anti-social behavior. Maybe they even twerked some shit out of their butts for good measure, who knows.

The "Walk of Fame" people didn't reward the fans who paid for the cleaning materials, or the one who donated the material that would help weatherproof and graffiti-proof the star from instant new vandalism. No, they just take their expensive lunches and pay themselves royally and enjoy the letters and e-mails that ask or plead with them to honor some aging performer (or performers) before they die. The Three Stooges, for example, were continually ignored. By the time fans raised the money, only a substitute Curly (Joe Besser) was around to attend the unveiling.

Time marches on, a new generation happily spurns whoever was revered by the previous generation, and fame fades. Lennon's work is still played, still popular, though mostly centered on Beatles hits, "Imagine," and for a few weeks, "Happy Christmas (War is Over)." But getting more popular all the time...graffiti "art" all over everything.

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