Sunday, October 13, 2013

Writers Pirated and Given Pennies by Kindle? "SELL T-SHIRTS!"

Writers are being told the same thing as singers and songwriters...fuck you, your creative work should be free.

Why? "Uh, freedom of speech? We're entitled to information for free!"

Really Assange Assholes. You sir, why were you on Kickass downloading a ton of eBooks and mp3 fils? "Uh, copyright is unfair. I'm a garbage man and get a pension for life to sit on my ass because I put in 20 years. So I'm entitled to royalties. But a song or a book that people keep buying...fuck, the writer should get a lump sum and no royalty. Uh, because I said so."

It's not just garbage men who spout this garbage. It's "senior moles" who are in their 60's, worldly, intelligent and educated, who also come up with lah-de-dah excuses and dismissive remarks based on opinion not fact. What's your take seniormole? "Oh, if you made your book 99 cents people would buy instead of steal it off a torrent. But it's not stealing anyway, it's sharing, like a library. And..." Oh shut UP seniormole. Hey seniormole, why don't you sit at your desk 9 to 5 for FREE, and put up a tip jar? Why don't you sell t-shirts in a store all night, and come back and put in another 9 to 5 day for free, and keep doing that?

Writers, 99% not paid what they should be, are worse off than singers and songwriters. They can't tour. They can't perform. They can't sell t-shirts. It's a very rare exception, a Philip Roth or a Rowling, who might get paid for a lecture.

BUT...writers are being told there's hope. Oh, the audacity of those who say there's hope! THIS is the bullshit hope:

This is what writers are supposed to do?

Aside from the lonely task of writing a book, and having the skill and/or luck to get it published...the writer is supposed to be a marketing genius and invest in a perfume or a toy that can be "bundled" along with the book??

That's what this article is about...TWO idiots you haven't heard of, who are spending a fortune on an experiment that isn't working. One of them is basically telling a jewelry company, "Here, I'll sell you copies of my book real cheap, and you give 'em away free with a purchase." Nothing new about that, really. That's promotion, not publishing.

The other is similarly trying to hawk her book by saying, "With the book, you get THIS..."


If I write a biography of the great Beckham, I should include a free soccer ball? The remaining bookstores will have bulky shelves where each book is vacuum packed in a plastic shell that also contains some bells and whistles?

What if the person already owns a soccer ball, or the giant soccer ball company can mass produce and sell them so cheaply that I can't offer my soccer ball (with free book) at a competitive price?

Christ, this is the kind of moronic article that encourages the seniormole morons out there to nod and say, "There you are, THIS is what you do." Like every author should work 12 hour days selling self-printed books at local schools, church bazaars and eBay...or put an eBook on a website and spam the planet to people to buy it for 99 cents...and then say "Wow, I sold 2,000 copies of my book this year" as if you can live off that!

Why is it that seniormole expects to get paid for his work, but a writer or singer shouldn't?

Jill Brooke and Emily Liebert, the ninny women mentioned in this squib, are not selling books in quantity, and they might as well be going door to door selling Tupperware or Fuller brushes. They are typical of the foolish, wealthy authors who have the money to pay for a publicist and can indulge themselves in the petty ego game of spending months doing radio interviews and school lectures. Real authors trying to make a living can't afford all that...just to break even. They can't afford to travel to the very few conventions or memorabilia shows or book fairs...then sit and wait for people to wander by and buy an autographed book. It doesn't work.

Liebert admits: "I'll definitely make more from the merchandise," and how many months did she spend meeting with merchandisers? And what about the NEXT book?

Every author is supposed to direct people to some idiotic website like DODO.IT and expect people to buy t-shirts and mugs by mail? A writer's lucky if somebody even reads a book and keeps it, much less needs a fucking t-shirt with the book printed on it.

Cunts like Liebert and Brooke remind me of the asshole rock bands who supported piracy, shouting, "Hey, we don't mind, it gets our name out there, and we sell out our gigs..." The gigs playing to 50 people in a tiny club...gigs that don't give them money they can put in the bank...gigs that require them to tour in a smelly bus until they kill each other from stress or get killed by driving off the road because the driver was asleep at the wheel from exhaustion. A few energetic idiots come up with dumb ideas like selling coffee mugs or giving away their music...and they quickly burn out, and the odds of success are a million to one. The cunt who wrote "50 Shades" might as well say, "Go ahead, do a badly written trilogy of purple-prose mommy porn, and you'll make a fortune. Or...just find something else to write a badly written trilogy about. It worked for me, it's gotta be the new paradigm for everyone!"

Kindle gives writers a few pennies, just as Spotify screws the artists and the songwriters.

Bad enough that the pride of holding up a CD or a book is pretty much gone, and you'd have to say "Oh, go to Amazon and download it..." But to not even have decent money to show for it?

With so much pirated, there's hardly a need to buy. That takes away a lot of profit. Then, when people DO buy, it's for chump change, and Amazon (whether it's a 99 cent music download or a 3.99 eBook) takes the big percentage. Another problem is there's so much out there, most people can't find a new artist's song or a novelist's book. Who the hell is hunting around and saying, "Gosh, I really want to read a novel..." and starts trawling through 10,000 self-published eBooks floated up to Amazon? The internet's become one big slush pile for lousy books...with the good ones harder to find than a diamond in a garbage dump.

So...if you write a carefully researched non-fiction book on assisted suicide, be sure to include in the packaging, enough pills to overdose on. Keep a copy for yourself, author, because when you check your sales may just want to off yourself.

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