Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assholes Who Owned Barking Dogs Got Themselves Killed

See, it's not ALL bad news...

Here's the feel good story of the month (ok, this being ghoulish Halloween October):

You know what one of the stupidest and most obnoxious forms of entertainment is?


50% of people own a dog for the wrong reason. They don't want companionship. They aren't humane. They just want a fucking barking vicious beast to guard their stuff. They stick the fucking dog in a yard with a leash, and it yaps at anything that moves.

Another thing these neurotics like to do is play GOD. Right? You see this shit all the time. They don't walk their animal...they Nazi-march it. They yell at it, pull the leash, shout, and even beat the dog if nobody's looking. What they want is something that will fetch, heel, roll over, be a fucking sniveling drooling slave. And since dogs are genetically bred to be absolutely mindless and stupid, the dog is a Nazi's best friend.


The very word "own" should tell you how sick this is. You don't OWN a cat. You might be its guardian (to use a Jackson Galaxy phrase). The cat is independent. It's also not stupid enough to bark at a falling leaf and keep barking for the rest of the evening. And it won't give a fuck if a burglar comes in and takes your Beach Boys CD collection.

So...what happened in THIS situation?

Some poor guy who DIDN'T live in the city, and DIDN'T want to listen to the city bullshit excuse of "this is a city, expect noise..." fled to the suburbs....

....where every asshole owns a DOG for PROTECTION. A fucking loud barking goddam dog that these shit-for-brains selfish nitwits can't bother to train.

"For months....Michael Guzzo, complained to neighbors about the barking from homes all around him in the tidy Phoenix complex where a central courtyard looks like a tree-laden park, even putting up fliers on doors advising people of pet ordinances and fines.

On Saturday, police say, Guzzo went on a rampage, methodically killing his neighbors Bruce Moore, 66; his daughter, Renee Moore, 36; her husband, Michael Moore, 42....and Renee’s son, Shannon Moore, 17, along with the family’s two dogs.

Guzzo, 56, then walked across the courtyard and tried to kill more neighbors who had dogs.

Libni Deleon, 26, said that just a few months ago he returned home from work to find Guzzo standing by his back gate where his two dogs were on the patio barking. “He said, ‘Your dogs are barking. I’m here to live in peace,’” Deleon recalled. Moments after the killings Saturday, Guzzo went back to Deleon’s home and began kicking on the front door.

Libni Deleon’s wife, Vanessa, had just gotten out of the shower, grabbed their two children and ran upstairs to hide in the bathtub. Libni went toward the door as Guzzo blasted two holes through it, sending about 20 shotgun pellets into the walls at the back of their home. He ran upstairs to get his gun, opened the window and began to yell at Guzzo, who opened fire again before walking back to his own home to kill himself. “I feel pretty darn lucky,” Libni Deleon said."

Yeah, Libni asshole, you ARE. Guzzo could've been like some of the other mass-murderers we've read about...he could've had several guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. But Michael Guzzo probably realized that there would never be any peace because EVERYBODY just LOVES their POOCHIE-WOOCHIE, their DOGGY-WOGGY-WOO. Ha ha ha, look at how the two dog walkers hold the leashes tight as two moronic mongrels bark their guts up at each other. Isn't that CUTIE-WOOTIE! Ha ha ha! Oh, what, it's after midnight, and MUFFIN is in the backyard barking and barking and barking? Good girl! It might just be a squirrel, but it COULD be a boogie man!

Joni Flood, 27, speaks for every asshole in that Phoenix neighborhood. Sure, she knew that Michael Guzzo hated dogs:

“He hated them. But everyone here has dogs."

See? That's the excuse. EVERYONE HAS DOGS.

Which is like saying let's not give the kikes their rights...EVERYONE HATES JEWS. Let's deny the niggers...EVERYONE HATES BLACKS. Let's not have gun control...the MAJORITY LIKE TO OWN A GUN AND SHOOT ANYTHING THAT MOVES.

Guzzo was nuts? Who drove him nuts?? In a sane society, you respect the minority. A minority of people exposed to second-hand smoke will get cancer. So? We have anti-smoking laws anyway. A minority of people in the world are homosexual. They still have rights, and they are getting more rights all the time, including marriage.

Maybe a minority of people want peace and quiet. They should get it. They shouldn't have to never go to a movie theater because assholes are talking back to the screen. They shouldn't have to suffer sleepless nights because selfish morons want to party and won't go to a nightclub or shut their fucking windows. And certainly no human being should have to be constantly annoyed by the noise of fucking BARKING DOGS that yap and yap because their shit-for-brains owners don't train them right, or leave the fucking animal alone while THEY enjoy themselves and don't care what noise they inflict on their neighbors.

Dog owners, like cigar smokers, seem to be much more selfish and shitty than other people. They seem to get a real joy out of intimidating and annoying others. How many times have you seen some asshole with a giant vicious dog grinning as the dog lunges for somebody? "Ha ha ha, don't worry, he his BARK is worse than his bite! Haw haw haw!" You've seen this: a dog downer smugly marching down the street like Hitler, enjoying the power of making others flinch and move a safe distance out of his path...because HE has a giant dog in front of him as menacing as if he was carrying a machine gun. This is how a dog owner is: go ahead, step in my dog's shit, I don't clean up after it. I won't listen to anything you say and if you even talk to me my dog will jump on you.

That's like the cigar smoker who knows his fucking dick-shaped piece of shit in his mouth stinks...but he loves the power of offending people and showing off that he has money to burn.

ichael Guzzo had enough. He blasted two dogs AND four idiots right off the planet. Blasted them into silence...the silence they wouldn't give him out of courtesy and respect.

PS. Ya know what sent David Berkowitz on his killing spree as "Son of Sam." Yep. A barking dog.

Woof Woof. BANG BANG.

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