Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why Should She Give A Fuck? Miley Cyrus Wouldn't Either

Here's a headline to warm your heart...

Now where would a teenager girl get that hard, nasty attitude from? That "I'll do as I please" sense of entitlement?

Just look at the Internet, where Google and Assange and Wikipedia say "all is permitted," as they describe bomb making websites, free porn downloads, and every piracy link as "freedom of speech."

Just look at the Internet, where websites called "rotten" happily post atrocity photos, and the Daily Fail and all the other newspaper sites try to post the most lurid and disgusting crime photos, trumpeting headlines about everything vile, from kittens tortured to homeless cannibals to the latest from our Muslim psychos beheading anyone they think isn't doing right by their imaginary friend in heaven.

Just look at the Internet where teenage girls can watch their idols like Gaga and Miley and Lindsay and Britney make millions for being rude and obnoxious and hard-hearted and mean...and where fame is equal to notoriety.

What do you expect when killers who shoot up movie houses and Sunday runner marathons and supermarkets...are treated with awe, and get their mugshots on the front page? Teenage twits like this cunt here, see all this and only see "Wow, THIS person is KEWL, lol! And...FAMOUS!"

Bully a girl till she kills herself? AWESOME! Tell the world you don't give a fuck. Tattoo "I Don't Give A Fuck" on yourself. Add a swastika because that's kewl 2.

Will we see some copycat cunts trying to break this girl's record for how long it took to bully a girl into suicide? You bet. This is going to be a "reality show" in the future...the future Orwell, Stephen King, Poe, Freud or even Hitler couldn't conceive of as nothing but a nightmare of inhuman selfishness, maliciousness, violence, intolerance and greed. And worse...so much of it, like the 3 blacks who decided a white guy from Australia deserved a shot in the back...is done merely for KICKS.

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