Friday, October 25, 2013

So, When did James Taylor do Heroin last, Celebuzz??

This blog makes fun of celebrities that deserve it...and there's no pay involved.

Other sites, Celebuzz, Perez the Poisonous-Pussy Hilton, TMZ, Daily Beast etc...they rely on "traffic" and so they SNARK. They go after anyone and everyone, making up crap, gasping and giggling over nothing, and being downright fucking obnoxious (rather than humorous, or truthfully provocative)

Case in point, this fuckhead bit of news about James Taylor last night, which implies he's been on HEROIN recently, and which GOOGLE (our best friend) highlighted as a must-see link on their news page. A little bit of snark that has the nerve to titter that Taylor was once on drugs:

FUCK YOU, CELEBUZZ, which uses the drug term "BUZZ." FUCK YOU.

How DARE you hang that "former heroin addict" line on James Taylor? When was he using, last? 1970? Come on, big shots, you celeb pussy know-it-alls, put a date on it. You're implying the man is addled by heroin use.

This isn't Willie Nelson singing the national anthem, or Snoop Dogg-Lion-Pig...two of our favorite artists who, happily and openly, tell the world how they can't do without marijuana every day...a drug that COULD affect memory and performance.

Taylor has been straight and singing all over the world for years and years and nobody's reported that he's given a bad show, failed to appear, or forgotten words because of heroin use.

Paraphrasing George Harrison some 40 years ago, "I'm not a big fan of the Sweet Baby," (he was signed to Apple Records for his first album). Yeah, "Fire and Rain" was a good, over-played song. I'm not defending James Taylor because I'm a fan of his. I haven't played one of his songs in years. I write this because faggy SNARK is faggy SNARK. It's in very poor taste to suggest that a drug problem from the past had anything to do with a two-second error that DID NOT INVOLVE FORGETTING WORDS.

As we all know, "The Star Spangled Banner," America's NATIONAL ANTHEM (music stolen from a British tune about getting drunk...the Anacreontic Song) is hard to sing drunk or sober. That's why many stupid sporting events in America (the only time you hear national anthems) substitute "America The Beautiful," corny but slightly easier to deal with. Taylor didn't miss a word of either song.

Taylor, donating his time because he's from Boston (where the game was played), was greedily asked to sing to start the game, and the other for the "seventh inning stretch." He simply forgot the order. After starting, "Oh Beautiful...." the wrong song, he simply segued into the right one: "Ohhhh, say can you see...." Then he saved "America The Beautiful" for the 7th inning.

Big fucking deal. But it IS a big deal in this inane world of "look look look, FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! Ha ha ha." This is a spastic, childish era of reporting, a pig sty level era where every idiot is Tweeting, posting to YouTube, creating a bogus website of celebrity gossip, trying to maintain a bogus website of celebrity gossip...ALL of it to moneygrub some pennies, get Google ad click-throughs, or to become "famous."

That shit is not for ME. I make NOTHING on this site, I don't allow comments, and Perez Fuckhead or Harvey Fuckhead Levin can't contact me or invite me to join them, which I wouldn't do. And my idea of a target isn't James Taylor...or leaping out and seizing on anyone else who is fairly decent and has done nobody harm and isn't a media whore gangbanging with media pimps like Celebuzz.

How OBNOXIOUS and BRATTY, snarking about a good deed (singing America's anthem) and then dropping a line about heroin addiction.

This blog IS about tasteless idiots like Viley Virus, and about the idiot media that reward and admire bad behavior. It's not about saying, "Hey, look what THIS performer did...made a momentary mistake in a performance...must be because he's an alcoholic...because he was thinking about the chick he cheated on his wife with in 1982...because he's not on a major label...whatever...ha ha ha."

Christ, a fucking website that has me defending JAMES TAYLOR! Four BUZZES to jerks would even make Simon Cowell nauseous.

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