Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"BANKSY" Is HITLER and the Daily News part of his S.S.

You remember Hitler. He nearly destroyed the world with his game plan: slowly take over everything, deny evil intent, scapegoat an easy target (Jews) and pretend to be nice Uncle Adolph for all who obediently follow him. Including Geli Raubel.

All these Internet cocksuckers...Assange, Kim Dotcom, DeVente, BANKSY...are following der master plan. Be evil, illegal, egotistic and obnoxious...but GIVE THE SHEEP WHAT THEY THINK THEY WANT.

Which outlaw. A Robin Hood. A fucking Hitler who wears a cheap Santa Claus beard that droops under his nose to reveal his thick black mustache. But no no, he's not Hitler he's SANTA. He's not a greedy profiteer making money for himself, he's Kim Dotcom. He's not a neurotic driven by a need to be famous no matter what, or a sociopath who does what he does because he's a maladjusted evil bastard.

The NY Daily News has spent the past 30 days promoting "BANKSY" to the hilt, offering enthusiastic "where will he strike next" articles.

The NY Post, AM-NY and others, have run the "BANKSY GO HOME" stuff, and pointed out the insults this asshole has arrogantly hurled by spitting on the World Trade Center (with an image of it being blown up...disguised as a blooming flower...and by putting down the replacement building as not up to HIS idea of art.)

Take a look at the NY Daily News website, which scrawls down for not ONE but TWO disturbing feature articles on this Nazi:

Shall I compliment "BANKSY?" I'll say this for him...he is brilliantly twisted. Quite the accomplished sociopath.

How many others could actually take a thrift shop painting, add a NAZI WITH A SWASTIKA, and be instantly praised for it?

Now, to you and me, this seems pretty blatant. Here's a Nazi enjoying a pastoral moment in the country, contemplating, oh, Dr. Mengele's experiments, the acquisition of a lampshade made of Jew skin, or perhaps the joy of invading Poland. But to the Daily News, it's a joyous "Banksy strikes again!" and oh, what a charitable man...the $50 painting he bought from a homo charity thrift shop is now at an online auction, with a $153,00 bid that may rise to a quarter of a million. Hurry! Put in your bid! Sieg "BANKSY"! Sieg "BANKSY"!

"Housing Works is thrilled to receive such a generous donation from Banksy,” said a spokeswoman for the thrift shop chain, endorsing this Nazi art painting. Nobody over there knows that Hitler killed off as many homos as he stars for them in the concentration camps along with the yellow stars for the Jews.

Boasted "BANKSY" on his website:

“A thrift store painting vandalised then redonated to the thrift store," becomes VALUABLE ART. Ha ha ho ho hee hee. And more publicity for "BANKSY" when he sells more half-hour knockoffs and keeps the profits. "BANKSY" is now sought after like no other living artist on the planet. Why shouldn't he be an egomaniac? Why shouldn't he be proud that just as Hitler invaded Poland, HE invaded the United States and turned its greatest city into his own urinal? Anything he chose to piss...from childish stencils quickly painted on a wall to insulting graffiti spray words...was eagerly gulped down as soon as people knew he was a "Celebrity" and "famous."

"BANKSY" calls the painting “The banality of the banality of evil.”

That's shrewd pretension for you. No no, he's not promoting himself as the painter of a Nazi with a swastika. You peasant, what he's REALLY done is create a brilliant statement on Fascism, intolerance, and the killing of over six million innocent people!

Christ, why didn't Roosevelt and Churchill think like "BANKSY" and simply tell their people, "Hitler represents the banality of evil...and we're so far above that, we won't fight him. Instead, we will issue you all some spray paint and you can amuse yourselves by putting slogans on buildings."

Nevermind that this painting would appeal to skinheads, to antisemites and to other violent maniacs who feel they will be rewarded by a pastoral, Jew-free and homo world. And nevermind if some of them have Jewish blood, or sometimes suck cock while listening to their Wagner symphonies and Roger Waters albums.

See, the art world is not only ruled by phonies, like the fashion world, it's ruled by RICH phonies who have no brains. Most of them are dumbass women who married rich hedge fund dealers, stock brokers, and other paper-pushing dullards. These gold diggers never read a book, didn't do anything in school except sit in the back and titter and gossip, and have absolutely no taste in art or fashion. All they want to do is spend as much of hubby's money as they can on status symbols, especially flashy shit like fur coats and BANKSY art for the wall. They have to be seen at fancy galleries and some even still show up at a ballet or classical concert to show they appreciate the finer things. But most now are ready to let the ballet companies go broke and the opera companies go to hell, and sit front row for Brooooose instead, or the premiere of another Bono Broadway musical. Mostly they buy clothes, and sashay around at nightly parties, so they visit chi-chi Madison Avenue stores and the saleswomen parrot whatever Vogue tells them to sell. The idiots at the Daily News are not any better.

I doubt the writers of this drivel ever took an art class.

They DID watch a lot of TV, so guess what...instead of art references, they have a TV referene! They interpret this Naxi painting as "reminiscent of a 1969 episode of Rod Serling’s TV show “Night Gallery.” In an episode titled “The Escape Route,” a Nazi war criminal, haunted by past demons and confronted by a Holocaust survivor, finds solace in a serene museum painting."

Solace. Right. That's what the Nazi who buys this will find as well. He or she will put this "BANKSY" on the wall, proudly tell everyone how much was paid for it, and love the idea that the Nazi was not caught by Wiesenthal, not hung upside down and beaten the way Jews were, not even clapped into a cell for 30 days. Ahhhh, solace. Enjoying peace and quiet. A Nazi's reward.

One more thing. What did the Nazis like to do to Jews before they killed them? Tattoo a number on, to make sure that Jew was TAGGED. TAGGED like a building is by a graffiti artist.

The Daily News, in their never-ending promotion of "BANKSY," ran a long, long piece, full of photos, of "BANKSY" tattoos.


That's not a paid ad from "BANKSY" that's the caption to the Daily News story. Yes, while the rich bitch loonies pay $150,00 or more for a "BANKSY" painting that took him less than a half hour to make, the low class loonies pay a few hundred to get a dopey bit of "BANKSY" graffiti permanently etched in their skin. "Look at me, look at my NEW TATTOO...I'm a living piece of "BANKSY" art, not a living piece of shit with low self-esteem!"

INK-CREDIBLE the Daily News declares, happpy to keep promoting the art genius of the 21st Century. No question, the guy IS a genius at promotion...a genius at disguising his own greed as generosity...a genius at giving banal and bored bozos a thrill by playing hide-and-seek with the cops and presenting himself as another anti-authority Robin Hood...the guy who, once in a while, tosses a freebie while raking in the six figure pay days for himself. That's like John Gotti authorizing the murder of some honest family that didn't want to give him a cut of their concrete mixing business...but paying for their funerals. "Oh John Gotti, he paid for that poor family's funerals. No no, he denies he's Mafia, he denies he authorized a hit. He's a wonderful man. He tips the shoe shine boy $5. Oh, and I hear he owns a concrete mixing business that makes $500,000 a year in pure profit. Smart man..."

"BANKSY"-- smart man...

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