Thursday, October 10, 2013

Jimmy Kimmel to Kanye West: "You're a Jerk." Yes, and Self-important and Childish, too

If Kanye West wasn't such an amazing example of horse shit, the long, drawn out appearance he made on Jimmy Kimmel's show would have been quite a snore.

At one point he went on a non-stop ranting monologue about how he wants to do important things in life, and the most important thing he can do now is be a FASHIONISTA. Now that was just so awesomely moronic it was hard to look away. See, his "feud" with Kimmel began when Kanye gave an interview in which he declared that he was being frustrated in branching out of music and into designing fashions! Kimmel took a few of his ludicrous gripes and hired a child to re-enact them...which pointed up just how childish Kanye West was. And West's response was to call up Kimmel with menacing threats to apologize OR ELSE.

West then began to Tweet ridiculous insults at Kimmel...but it backfired so badly and made West look so foolish that...a truce was declared and West agreed to come on Kimmel's show...only to look even MORE fooish!

Like some dumbass Muhammad Ali imitator, he insisted he was great, that he had his own rules, and didn't give a damn what anybody thought. He kept it real all right, he really showed the world that he's a selfish stupid man. He's a delusional lout who made a lot of money off a narrow demographic of rap-liking assholes. He might have a lot of Grammy awards and sold a lot of music, but not to intelligent or discerning people. His music is not universal. Nothing he's done will last. Even a shit song from Bieber or Miley Cyrus is at least catchy enough to make parents hum along even if they don't want to.

He sat across from Kimmel, scowling a lot, glowering a lot, and then periodically revving up to deliver vitriolic gripes about how misunderstood he is.

He kept repeating he was a GENIUS.

Yeah? Beethoven was a genius. John Lennon was a genius. Part of being a genius is that everybody appreciates what you've done.

I gave this sullen baby a chance, listening to some of his stuff. It wasn't unlistenable, but the same thing applies to Eminem. I listened to "Diamonds from Sierra Leone," which included a lot of stolen Shirley Bassey ("Diamonds are Forever"). There was some thought and message behind it. But I didn't need to hear it more than once. A rap song you can actually tolerate for the full duration? Remarkable...but that doesn't make the rapper a genius. Mostly his tracks didn't hold my attention for a minute or two. Hell, you can see some homeless guy ranting in the street, and it'll catch your attention for a while, and his weird gutter lingo and half-insane threats and moans might be colorful...but that doesn't make it art. Guys like Kanye West don't understand that people also enjoy train wrecks. They go on YouTube or check out "America's Home Videos" and enjoy watching people fall down.

On Kimmel's show, West was fuming because he wasn't being taken seriously as a FASHION DESIGNER. Speaking in a voice that was just a tad effeminate, he whined that he visited all the major designers (and he actually knew the names of these imposters and frauds) and they were "classist" toward him. Not racist, but "classist." They didn't think his designs were high the same league as professional designers with years of experience who can actually get assholes to pay thousands of dollars for a pair of shoes.

After actually saying that he saved up as a teenager to buy Gucci shoes...because he cares SO much about high end fashion...he fumed that the best deal he could get would be to design some low-end common products like t-shirts that might be marketed for $10 or $20.

Kanye groused that he was always into fashion, always liked to design clothes, and now he was being held back from spreading his genius creativity from music to clothing!

Is it possible that this self-important asshole's fashion designs were so shitty that they couldn't even sell to the drug dealers and thugs who buy his music and think having gold grills instead of white teeth is classy? Here's an outfit the genius Kanye designed...

Asshole, or not an asshole? ASSHOLE.

Who the fuck would wear something like this? This idiot thinks he can sell "designs" like this for thousands of dollars to rich fashionistas? Someone would go to a high class event in an outfit like this??

PS, I saw this performance, and he was ridiculous. Not only did he look foolish, his singing sucked. The thing he was supposed to be good at...performing hip-hop...was no good. He flailed around, he was off key, his rapping was mundane, and his lyrics were as silly as any ad-libbing high school kid.

In the course of the hour (Kimmel had to bump musical guests "Arctic Monkeys" to pander to Kanye's incredible ego) the host spent a lot of time looking like a deer in the headlights, stammering and apologizing. Jimmy denied that the parody that started the feud was intended to show how childish Kanye sounded. No, he's made these formula bits of children re-enacting bad behavior rants from stars only because: "I just like to hear children curse!"

He then apologized for taking Kanye's words out of context (they weren't out of was very clear that the joke was how childish Kanye was acting in complaining about not being taken seriously as a fashion designer). Jimmy then showed a picture of his father alongside Kanye...and told viewers how Kanye was such a great guy to pose with his Dad. Big deal, two celebs who might meet at a party or event take a moment to network with each other and be pleasant and polite. Kimmel insisted there was nothing personal about the parody and West grudgingly admitted he didn't know Jimmy'd done this lame bit many times before to many other self-important shitheads.

Kanye then launched a bitter monologue about how misunderstood he is, how photographers disrespect him, and that his "girl" (that's how he refers to Kim Kardouchebag) should get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and not be denied because she's a "reality star." Like, get real y'all, some fucking no-talent bimbo who became famous for a leaked porn tape should be on the same sidewalk as Bogie and Bacall, Dustin Hoffman and Robert DeNiro, John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Kim Kardouchebag? She has all the class of a streetwalker, and would probably have been asking "want to go out" to strangers if her Daddy wasn't a slimy rich lawyer who chased ambulances and helped get murderous O.J. Simpson a free pass.

It was hard not to keep watching, to see how clueless, childish, self-important, idiotic and dumb this Kanye West intolerant he is of anybody else, and how offended he is if people don't think everything he does is brilliant. "I am a GENIUS," he declared, and Kimmel, still apparently fearing for his life, agreed with him, and praised him for not having any false modesty. Gosh, that Kanye is keepin' it real, isn't he? Why deny you're a genius if that's the way you feel? Except at best Kanye West is an idiot savant in the world of hip-hop. That's all.

After a while, Jimmy ventured to say "People think you're a jerk." But this was only to suck up to Kanye and continue, "You're not a jerk...I know that..." Kimmel insisted he "tells everyone" that Kanye West's misunderstood. Right,he's not really the surly asshole who pushes photographers, the mannerless lout who gets on stage to complain that a Grammy award went to the wrong singer, the idiot who has no sense of humor, the obnoxious show-off who buys gold toilets and marble conference tables, the bully who brags about his money and can't stop with pathetic schoolyard-level boasting.

Sadly, it all comes down to poor role models, the dumbing down of our culture, and moronic people admiring anyone who tells them "admire me." Muhammad Ali was a role model for bragging, but he did it with humor. Ali also offered intelligent, challenging viewpoints on race, on war, on a wide range of topics. Unfortunately guys like Kanye West only appropriate the bragging, and the tastelessness (Ali's "Gorilla" insults at Joe Frazier for example), and their version of Ali is coarse and crude. The culture, getting more coarse and crude every year, buys into this crap. And so we spiral down on what we consider beauty (going from Marilyn Monroe to Anna Nicole Smith for example) or who we choose to make a spokesman who should be listened to (down the drain from Muhammad Ali to Kanye West). If people make a huge amount of money, but are assholes, then by God, we should all come sniffing their butts and exhaling with delight and keep following them around with smiles and admiration...Donald Trump, Miley Cyrus, KANYE WEST. These people become CELEBRITIES and their egos soar, and they rightly figure, "If you don't think I have class or talent, and if you think I'm an opinionated boob, well, I MAKE A LOT OF MONEY, so YOU have to be WRONG."

Jimmy Kimmel had that one brief moment of clarity when he told Kanye that a lot of people "think you're a jerk." Kanye didn't seem to disagree...he just seems to think he deserves a free pass to be a jerk...BECAUSE HE HAS MONEY. He thinks being a jerk is being honest...that having temper tantrums and being selfish is admirable. But it's a one-way street, of course. If a photographer asks, from ten feet away, "Why can't we ask you a question," which is an honest question, he goes after the guy with fists raised. Kanye isn't saying, "Hey, how honest of you to ask a question, how real of you to talk to me man to man, and not slave to king." Kanye West simply has no manners. He has no discipline. He's not an adult. Only jerks think about themselves and their needs 24/7 and never think they could be wrong, or they might just be tolerant of others.

Hopefully Jimmy Kimmel will not be so shell-shocked by getting threatening phone calls from Kanye West that he'll back off in making fun of star stupidity and arrogance. Humor is a valuable was used on Hitler. And if it's good enough to be used on Hitler, it's good enough to be used on Kanye West.

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