Monday, June 20, 2016

100 EUROS? Rent out your Windmill to Muslims, HANS

What a deal. The cheap Dutch are being enticed by 100 watch their country be destroyed.

And you thought climate change was going to sink them.

No, it'll be Muslims machine-gunning those whores in the windows, and blowing up people who sell marijuana, and setting fire to big fat Dutch douches who listen to Beach Boys music instead of sacred hymns to ALLAH.

Hmmm...Holland...if memory serves, isn't that where THEO VAN GOGH was murdered??

Ah, but that's ancient history 2004.

According to this article:

"Over the last year, the Netherlands has experienced a rise in anti-refugee sentiment, including protests against asylum-seekers, a rise in popularity of anti-immigrant parties, and a right-wing leader calling for male refugees to be locked up.

This project hopes to combat the tensions with a dose of human connection:

“Tensions occur when people don’t know each other, can’t understand each other or can’t communicate,” Aussems told the Guardian. “If you give people the opportunity to connect with each other and work together, it’s a lot more effective.”

Right, right, it's that wimpy idea that if you simply smile, and be reasonable, a bunch of lean, hungry hummus-faced religious fanatics are going to smile back and do as they're told. NOT.

They see that the Dutch are a stupid, pudgy, fat-faced cheese-grinning bunch of EASY TARGETS. Put it this way, if the situation was reversed, the Syrians, the Egyptians and the Libyans wouldn't invite the DUTCH into their country. Not as anything but white slaves or beasts of burden.

The DUTCH don't understand human nature, do they? Immigrants are no longer the grateful, hardworking people they were 100 years ago. Today they are surly, greedy, obnoxious and self-righteous. They don't learn the language, they feel they are entitled to a better life, and by Allah, they will NOT take on the customs of the host country.

At least, a percentage won't. It's a LETHAL percentage. Look at the damage ONE asshole named Omar Mateen did in Florida, and he was BORN in America! He still felt his allegiance was to ALLAH and to ISIS.

Well, it couldn't happen to a more deserving nation. FUCK YOU, HOLLAND. You will get your wooden shoes rammed up your asses. No more whores or marijuana for you. Your windmills will be torn down for mosques. You will be driven into the sea, every big ugly inbred one of you.

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