Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Well, THIS guy certainly seems like a stable, upstanding citizen:

He lives in one of those gruesome "industrial" areas of Pennsylvania where, if you don't work in a steel mill, you're likely to sit around getting drunk and causing trouble.

Where did he get the panties? EBAY?

Over at the World's Biggest Fence, where stolen property and Craigslist whores fight for your dollar, they admit, "We are sorry, we need to refine our filters."

What, you actually HAVE filters?

I suppose I should run a Tell-a-Laugh test sometime, and try to sell a Bake-a-Kike Crematory Oven For Kids, or the Obama's My Nigga t-shirt. I do know that if you try to sign up with a funny but risque name, they will give you a prompt: "That is not allowed. Choose something else."

Ebay always has an excuse, always an apology, and yet if you type in PRE OWNED PANTIES you'll see 50 or 60 items EVERY day. Duhhh.

They can't add a filter to red flag "PRE OWNED" and PANTIES? Especially ones as big as a red flag?

Maybe this Pennsylvania guy got HIS pair on eBay IF the price was right. Most of the bitches on eBay think their stinky underwear is worth $30 minimum as a buy-it-now.

Speaking of disgusting women (Vicky Fallon comes to mind), the new standard of beauty is to have a duckface AND an incredibly huge butt.

Like the ad copy? "Smell them, taste them, mmmm."

It's not Campbell's soup is it?

You'll note that eBay helpfully lists other similar items for sale from other dealers. They don't care that a) it might divert a sale from the original seller, or b) it is proof that they DO have the ability to recognize ad copy and instantly and accurately pull up more of the same.

So they can't "refine" their filter to stop the ads from being posted??

There are some bints who have multiple accounts and always write the same shit: "Underware wore by a 18 year-old for errands and running" or "I am a stay at home Mom and very juicy!" And always, "MESSAGE ME!"

Hey, Ebay, you keep saying use the "report this item" feature on the ad, but you take three days to stop an item IF it's stopped at all. Many bints deliberately do three-day auctions to foil you, and many more put an e-mail address in the ad or use the ad to get as many free days of Craigslist whoring as they can. Real nice.

Among the latest kinks, the notion that a Pregnant Woman is attractive AND her cunt would be extra-lovely to smell.

Or is this woman so stupid she thinks her panties are "pregnant" because they're too big on her now?

Lastly, a Pip Pip Hooray for the chick who is supposedly British, but now living in Brooklyn. Oh yes, that special "Fish and Chip" twat smell that Americans are craving! That's why she got the huge bid price!

This U.K. ook didn't put a photo of her face in the ad. I wonder if it's anything like THIS

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