Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Oh, the RAINBOW SPECTRUM we do NOT have.

It's either Black or White.

In New York City and in London, the mayor is either a total cretin who favors NO rules, or the mayor is a total Muslim who wants to dictate whether people can see a photo of a woman in a swim suit.

THIS post is on the former.

Bill De Lousio, aka DeBlasio, decided to do something about the already lax enforcement of the noise code, or Sanitation laws: Fuggetaboutit!

Nigga wants to blast his car radio as he rolls down da street? Pull over and take a wiz khalifa in the gutter like a dog? It's ALL good, yo!

LOGIC would say: "Mr. Big Ugly Mayor, if you have more enforcement of fines for pissing, noise, dog shit, and the rest of it, the city will make MONEY. The city can afford MORE judges."

Funny, the city has plenty of monkeys in uniforms who go around ticketing cars. Why isn't De Lousio stopping THEM? Why isn't he saying the courts are loaded with people contesting their traffic tickets, and the City Marshal is overwhelmed in tracking down scofflaws?

The answer is that white people have cars.

BLACK people blast boom boxes and piss in the street. His wife and kids are black.

Central Park, which is supposed to be some kind of natural oasis from city noise, is one of the fucking NOISIEST places in town. Why? Niggas with boom boxes OWN the lower end of the park, demanding money for their "shows" of break dancing and other nonsense. Niggas also will just blast their rap garbage and sit around eating stinky halal food from vendors who, being Arab, feel entitled to park their giant trucks ON THE SIDEWALK.

Walk through the park and guys are pissing on trees, dogs are shitting on the lawns, and busker assholes are strumming guitars and singing offkey versions of "I Just Called To Say I Love You." It's ALL good. If someone from the parks department asks a person to please leash the dog, put out the cigarette, or NOT piss on the tree, they are told to WALK AWAY if the person doesn't comply. All they can do is ASK POLITELY.

De Lousio strikes again, returning the city to its proud former glory as a noisy, smelly, violent hell hole.

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