Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Eat All Ya Want (But is HALAL an option??)

And Americans wonder why they're hated.

While people are starving around the world, and maniacs are flooding into Europe claiming they can't grow anything in a desert, a FREEEEE NYC newspaper was paid to run an ad announcing FREEEEE breakfast and lunch ALL SUMMER for ANYONE who happens to be UNDER 18.

Yes, that encourages people to breed and breed and breed.

Come on Pedro, you too LeShawn and Lunilda, and Omar and Habib...we're SORRY if we aren't coddling you with ethnic cuisine, but feel free to complain and demand it.

Yes, while most people are encouraged to take care of the brats they breed, and not have more than they can handle, and while supermarkets shut down and rents spiral higher, Mayor De Lousio and his gang actually spend money advertising where the FREEEEEE FOOOOOOOD is.

As if any scroungers don't know. There's FREEEEE FOOOOOD in a variety of churches on certain days of the week, and the city's bums somehow manage to keep track of where to assemble every day, stinking up the street as they wait for their handouts.

There was once a notion (I think Michelle O'Bummer had it) that brats who bother to actually go to school and not pimp themselves out, or go on shoplifting binges, should be given HEALTHY FREEEE FOOOD. Hmmm, Monday is PIZZA LUNCH DAY all summer. What's healthy about THAT? And why give out FREEEE pizza when it's a cheap junk food that in most crap neighborhoods is just $1 a slice?

Ah, summer. Libraries stay open not to encourage people to take out books, but so that bums can sleep, pervs can use the computers to dial up porn, and brats can get FREEEEE FOOOOOOD.

Parks? Schools? Pretty easy to find the FREEEEE FOOOD, so that NYC brats can get MORE obese. Wanna bet these brats go back for seconds and thirds, and swipe enough for their parents, aunts and uncles?

And the FREEEEE FOOOOOD is also at the swimming pools. Yes, there are FREEEEEE swimming pools in the city. They are taken over by loudmouth bullying minority jerks. And why not. If you're white and middle class you can PAY for a health club, and take a bus or a train to one of the few ones in the city that actually has a pool. But the outdoor pools? Forget it. Nobody swims. Everybody screams and splashes and crashes into each other.

It pays to be insensitive poor and animal-like. Wolf down FREEEE FOOOOD, jump into the FREEE POOOL, and you've had yourself quite a nice day. Meanwhile, others are sweltering in apartments where they can't afford air conditioning, don't quite qualify for food stamps or assistance, and have enough manners to be repulsed by what they see in a public swimming pool.

Jews...they work hard to get educated, get jobs, and afford their kosher meals and a private pool if they want to swim. The Muslims? Soon enough, they'll be demanding Halal free food and private pools where women can NOT swim, but sit, wearing burqas. They can come out periodically to wash their feet (Allah can't see underwater) and then go back in. Oh, and the pool MUST face MECCA.

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