Sunday, June 12, 2016

Omar Mateen - Closet Gay, Wife-Beating Muslim Coward

What a surprise.

It turns out TWAT was something MUSLIM ISLAM asshole OMAR MATEEN didn't like.

Like so many sand niggers, Omar Mateen insisted his wife was a second-class piece of shit, and beat her every chance he got.

Why? Because he really wanted to be with a man, that's why.

Think about the most virulent anti-gay politicians...WHO ALWAYS GET CAUGHT IN A MEN'S ROOM.

Now take a look at the curly hair on this latent fag, and his primping lips, and his Brando-like vain pose. HE WANTS TO BE ATTRACTIVE TO ANOTHER MAN, THIS MUSLIM DOES.

Isn't it faggoty to take SELFIES? Omar Mateen did it all the time, the Afghan pooch.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, the "cradle of civilization" is loaded with homosexuals and religious fanatics fearful of their cocksucking tendencies.

Consider the Greeks invented assfucking. Many were OK with it, but check out the other ancient civilizations, the Arabs and Jews. What they BOTH have in common, besides arrogance, huge noses, and a fetish for halvah, is the notion that WOMEN ARE UNCLEAN.

The Orthodox Jews segregate women to the point where they are practically forced out of the house when they menstruate. Women can't even pray with men in a synagogue.

The fucked up Muslims are worse, circumcising the women, cloaking them in even more restrictive schmattas than the Orthodox Jews, and, unlike the Jews, beating the shit out of them and taking a machine gun to anyone at anytime, to sublimate their GAY EMOTIONS.

So Omar Mateen, unable to stay with a WOMAN, jealously eyes men kissing, and is SO overcome with repressed and powerful sexual urgency, he's willing to orphan his own little boy to GET EVEN and KILL GAYS.

As Willie the Shake used to say, "Methinks he protests too much."

The stereotypical faggot, by the way, is a coward, an effeminate lisping, devious, prissy gutless asswipe. And so WAS Omar Mateen, who stormed into a place where he knew NOBODY would have even a toothpick, much less automatic weapons. Bam bam, 50 dead.

Yes, this IS a Muslim thing, all right. But it's also, quite obviously, an anti-gay thing, and let's look at WHY so many are anti-gay. They are anti-gay because they are frightened of being queer. Rather than embrace some guy, they embrace some superstition, an antiquated religion that says "THOU SHALT NOT" lie with the same sex.

Need I go on? If Omar Mateen could've admitted to himself, while pursing his lips and posing, "I'm a Muslim cocksucker," 50 people would still be alive.

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