Thursday, June 16, 2016

Camoron Tweets and Moves On

I was checking the trending topics in the news, and noticed MP SHOT...and then below it MP DEAD.

Huh? And indeed, the first thought was, "What hummus-eater did THIS?"

Turns out, of course, to be a right proper British Loony. Not one who goes fishing, walks his dog, and collects stupid records. Just your typical old fuckhead raver; a dimwit backward paranoid loner with nothing better to do than find villainy in ordinary people.

This fuckhead shoots a woman? Has her down and SHOOTS HER AGAIN? Then when they try and drag him away, he takes out a knife and starts stabbing her?

Well, it's a good thing we have CAMORON to put everything right:

Yeah, and Jo will soon be forgotten. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, while toffs like Camoron are heavily guarded.

The media spin seems to be saying "Anyone who is Brexit has to be a homicidal right wing Nazi maniac, and since Jo was in favor of staying in the EU, let's all vote as she would want."

As usual in this depressing world, people are clucking about whatever the latest murder-diversion is. In the USA, aside from the gay nightclub, there was Grimmie. It turns out Grimmie's murderer was, no surprise, a desperate, obsessed nerd asshole who got hair transplants, eye surgery, and even turned vegan in order to become less of a ridiculous near-sighted bald blimp, and more "attractive" to his idol, a vapid, boring Ariana-Taylor-Whatever.

It seems she noticed this clod at a meet and greet, and offered him a hug, and he shot her to pieces instead. I guess his confidence in EVER being more than just a "fan" was already shattered.

If every fucking day there's a story about a famous person being gunned down, and the shooter becomes famous for it, why it a surprise that there are so many monkeys doing it over and over? It's become an accepted act in our society: you see somebody more famous and popular than you are; you grab your easily available weapon and open fire. After that, it's up to you. You can defiantly stand around and hope to get jail and regular interviewers and free food and lodging, or you can off yourself and avoid being called crazy, and getting fucked up the ass or slashed by another prisoner.

What MIGHT change things is if this particular asshole was tied upside down and left to hang for a week. Let people throw shit at him. Cut him down when he's dead. Let the other monkeys know that being a murderer is not like being a star, and that the punishment is going to be VERY severe, and that NOBODY is going to coddle you, moan about where you went wrong, pout about your motive, or offer marriage proposals to you and fan letters when you're in jail. And no, unlike that fuckhead in Norway who killed all those kids, you don't get private rooms and a Playstation.

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