Saturday, June 11, 2016

Sorry Our Assassin LOST Yer Girl. No COMET

Millennials now have their Lennon tragedy. It hasn't happened since 1980 has it, some fuckhead gunning down a rock star in public?

At the moment, nobody knows why some dumbass redneck wanted to off a failed contestant on a shitty reality show full of jerks aping Ariana and Taylor and Shitney. But he did.

The venue had "security," a bunch of slack-jawed cretins who didn't exactly bother to check people for weapons, despite this being an intimate "meet and greet." No metal detector either.

As soon as this piece of shit was identified, the media went to his low-rent hovel, and found an illiterate note on his door. Who put it there, some inbred mama he lived with? Some drunken pappy who doesn't want to be bothered? Somebody treating the media like nuisance trick-or-treaters at the door?

Headlines get America appalled for a day or two, a few people mutter about gun control, and some people find a place to set up a "shrine" for flowers and candles. Check, check, and check.

Most important: let's ask why the loner moron did it. Did she deserve it? Did he know her? Was he nuts? We already know the answers, really. There aren't many variations on the scenario.

The only twist here is that some cold hillbilly who might've been able to give a quick answer chose to shut that door tight and say too bad about your "lost" and "No commet!"

A new twist, in this GOOTUBE era, is that people who don't live near the scene of the crime and can't stand around posing at the shrine where the flowers are, can just upload a "tribute" and make some money.

Maybe it'll be a Shauna offering some lame, off-key "tribute song" she just knocked off in the hours after hearing that the star was knocked off. Maybe it'll be some Darren type, sitting in front of a camcorder and offering his worthless opinion Yes, check out the Nigga yo, who posted "My Thoughts On Christine Grimmie's Death" along with a demand to "JOIN ME ON MY JOURNEY TO 1 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!!!"

What a surprise, this took place in Florida. Florida's the sickest, most violent, most repulsive, most backward state in the entire South. It's loaded with meth addicts, deadbeats and losers. They move to Florida to shake down tourists who have no reason to visit Alabama or Mississippi or South Carolina.

A real benefit is in Florida you need not waste money on clothes. A pair of beat-up shorts and some flip-flops is enough for any guy. Add a t-shirt for a slut. Maybe the slut will have panties on under her shorts, so she can sell 'em for spare change on eBay. The majority of the whores on eBay who try to play that game are, guess what, from Florida.

As for the tributes, the poor girl didn't quite get a LOT of A-listers. After all, she was just somebody who DIDN'T win "The Voice," and was trying to bum so gigs based on "I was on TV." Still, I don't think any tweet was more touching than this from Ariana Grande:

"rest in peace, sweet spirit @TheRealGrimmie. what a fucking tragedy. what a sad state this world is in. my heart is with her loved ones."

Ariana, an Italian who has experimented with Kabbalah because she's disenchanted with Catholicism, may believes in a hereafter. That's where bad singers who died young can add fifty extra vowels to "Ave Maria" or whatever is sung in heaven. It's where nobody uses capital letters to begin a sentence.

No, I never heard the girl sing. As we already know from Siobhan among others, if you DON'T win "American Idol" or "The Voice" you're usually fucked, and even if you DO, you're fucked. You most likely do NOT get a record deal, do NOT get a manager who can arrange a meaningful tour, and at best, you end up...YOU GUESSED IT...doing covers on GOOTUBE and hoping to make some money from idiot tweens who spend their lives listening to that type of shit.

Grimmie actually could get millions of hits IF she covered some crappy popular song and made the appropriate GRIMmaces.

Let's not say anything bad about the dead, but she's sort of in that vast grayzone between a Shauna Cuntwell total amateur, and a forgettable but popular bitch like Ariana Grande. Yeah, she could sing fairly well, yeah, she didn't add too many syllables or wear too slutty make-up, but no, not too unique. Just take a look at this GOOTUBE screen grab. Remind you of anyone??

Give this another day or two, and this girl will be forgotten. Because even if she IS the Millennial's version of Lennon, Millennials have ADD and no attention span. And there are probably 10,000 women who sound like this murder victim.

Shit, even Ariana Grande has already moved on, tweeting a "love you" to somebody who told the world she liked an Ariana performance from LAST YEAR. Ariana also tweeted about somebody named Alexa Luria, who posted something on instagram. "Soul mate!" tweeted Ariana, no longer mourning the "fucking tragedy" about some chick who failed on "The Voice." Yes, how quickly a "fucking tragedy" is replaced by more important things, like instagram and say thanks to a fan who upped a bootleg to GooTube and tweeted "This is her best performance."

Oh well. A big "sorry for your lost" to the girl's fans and family (including the brother who didn't quite tackle the gunman in time). Other than that, no further COMMET!

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