Saturday, June 18, 2016

Nigga, You Can Rant...Whitey? SHUT THE FUCK UP!

And what's going on in the wonderful world of reverse-racism today?

Ever hear of Shaun King? He's the Spike Lee of the Daily News. Spike Lee gained fame by being obnoxious and racist.

Little pebble-headed Spike could tell the world that Brooklyn's white people should get the fuck out of Brooklyn because they're gentrifying nigga neighborhoods. Never mind that white people lived in those areas till niggas moved in and ruined them with crime. Never mind that the white Yuppies, paying ten times the rent, were making the neighborhood safe again.

Spike has made a career off white guilt, with his two-note bullshit; being sullen or being insulting.

Here's Shaun King's front page headline at the desperate Daily News.


We all know newspapers are dying, and they pander to morons who want news about the Kardashians, and the Hadiddy sisters and any monkey bitch with "ample assets" showing off in a "wardrobe malfunction," but THAT?

Even the "Metro Gnome," Gersh Kuntzman, now writing deliberate provocateur columns for the Snooze, wouldn't DARE write something like that about BLACKS.

Shaun King apparently didn't notice THIS article:

Yes, the long buried Christopher Lane finally got "justice" after four BLACKS, admittedly fired up by radical RAP music, decided to go kill themselves a Whitey.

The last of the pack was sentenced. I think all of them, even the shooter, are eligible for parole one day, and lotsa time off for "good behavior." And Christopher Lane isn't seeing this justice because HIS life is OVER.

Shaun King is simply and arrogantly pointing out that poor Omar Mateen is a brutha. Got that? He's "of color," so don't mess with him, yo.

Just point out that three other mass murderers were white, and that niggas aren't mass murderers.

Except for the two blacks who terrorized Washington D.C. with high powered rifles, randomly killing motorists as they gassed up, shooting them dead at various petrol stations around town. They were racists, pure and simple.

Tell the world niggas can be absolved because THEY tend to just shoot people in the head one at a time, and run rampant in their own neighborhoods firing guns at random, killing women and children with stray bullets.

As with all provocateurs, Shaun King defended his reckless and lurid behavior by saying he WANTED to shake people up.

Ah, and he can, as long as he's BLACK. If you're white and you want to shake things up with a statement, you are told: NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOR YOU.

White guy saying downtown Orlando is a shit pit? Oh, no, no, no. That may be true but it's bad for tourism. SHUT THE FUCK UP!

That guy is suspended. The Daily News does not suspend Shaun King.

Back to Shaun King. He admits he wrote his disgusting "ban white people" thing because, ha ha ha, he wanted to annoy Donald Trump and conservatives. That he annoyed ME and thousands and thousands of others who identify as Liberal, doesn't concern him in the least.

There he is, running a photo of himself (so everyone knows he's BLACK and privileged to get away with this kind of shit) and congratulating himself.

Except, he's a fucking IDIOT. Ghetto logic here. Or "straw man" debate, as some black rappers like to say, when they spout shit and somebody else disagrees.

Donald Trump was telling people we MIGHT do well to RESTRICT IMMIGRATION and STOP MUSLIMS from flying in, well before Omar Mateen went on his rampage. There was a little something called 9/11, that Shaun King may have missed.

There was the Muslim couple who blew away people in Bakersfield, California (which Shaun King doesn't bother to mention).

The big outcry after Mateen's outburst, was "ban assault rifles," not "ban Muslims." But that wouldn't slant things so Shaun King could play his game.

Shaun King conveniently doesn't explain WHAT 29 events in American history were worse than the Bakersfield shootings or 9/11 or the Boston Marathon, or a college shooting involving an Asian loner. Somehow, they ALL involve whites. But he doesn't have to back that up with FACTS.

FACTS tell you that non-white religious fanatics were responsible for the shit going down from Boston to Bakersfield to AROUND THE WORLD.

But that shit would've ruined Shaun's argument, and he's being paid good money on a failing newspaper, to get Internet hits. It doesn't matter for what. Just make sure his white masters can say, "Look at our nigga, he's making people read our lousy website. Take out ads!"

Ultimately, Shaun King patted his own back and his own "logic."

Oh, got it, got it. You can be reverse-racist to make a point.

You can tell the world that anyone who objects to Isis terrorism is a "bigot." That any call for restricting immigration has NOTHING to do with a) the lack of jobs and resources in the host country, b) the arrogance of new wave immigrants who don't speak the language, or c) the ingrate monkeys who not only retain their own insane customs but have the nerve to create no-go zones and end up shooting people. And if they can't do it in the host country, they go the Jihadi John root, and fly to Syria on money they made at home, to go work for sadistic racists.

So black Shaun King can shout that people alarmed at being overrun by people who form gangs, create underground jihad groups or refuse to learn the language are "racists."

Anyone white who even makes a suggestion for how to handle problems, and opens up a dialogue, can't say a word. All Trump said, in response to a wave of Muslim insanity WORLD WIDE, was that maybe these religious fanatics need to be monitored, and banned for a while. What's the alternative, muttering, "We all gotta get along," every time some asshole with a rifle kills 49 people?

Why didn't Shaun King write a piece demanding gun control?

He'd rather play the race card, and the Snooze wouldn't get so many "hits" if he pointed out that 49 people were fatally hit by bullets sprayed from an automatic weapon.

Muslims. We're talking about a seriously demented bunch of religious fanatics. At the root of it, is a ridiculous belief. ALL religion is based on ridiculous beliefs. ALL religious people seem to think that THEY have the key, and at best, they'll tolerate misguided fools who pray to a different type of God and wear different silly outfits and have different absurd rules to live by (put an ash on your forehead, wear a beanie all day long, never eat a clam).

But these Muslim murderers take it a step further, and their own kind rarely stands up and says "No, this is NOT our religion." Why? They're afraid of terrorists, too. What Muslim organization wants terrorists to come in blasting away for siding against Isis?

Shaun King's lame conclusion is that HE is happy he makes money and has a steady job, HE can blow off steam at white people any time, and, oh, "let's all get along," and you should just accept that Muslims and Mexicans and any other arrogant minority should do as they please.

What happens, Shaun, when you're fired because the Snooze goes half-Spanish and they want more Spanish writers and don't want to pay somebody to translate your shit?

Life today is much more complicated than a fucking TWEET, or a sassy reverse-racist headline.

Trump's ideas...building a wall, restricting Muslim immigration and travel, are just that. Ideas. YOU come up with something better than "oh well, let's all try and get along." You know who don't want to get along? Maniacs like Omar Mateen. 49 people tried talking to him as he literally laughed out loud and killed them.

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