Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Merkel Turns Her People Nuts, See?

Ach, Merkel-Twat and her "Let's Import Muslims" idea has NOT gone over well in Germany.

What a surprise.

A German couple I know, who don't even live in a big city, were fuming YEARS AGO, that immigrants were being treated better than natural-born Germans. Immigrants were getting to live practically rent free, not working, being noisy and obnoxious, and not bothering to learn the language.

People being stupid, needing to see DISASTER before they take action, stood still while Merkel let boatloads of monsters invade Germany. THEN they realized the mistake. And now?

In a related story, it turns out a significant percentage of Germans believe the new Fuhrer should be the leader of Boko Haram, Commander Gooker.

Loosely translated:

"We admire a tough, crusty old autocrat. We need someone like Gooker, who is a whiter shade of pale. He believes in things that all Germans admire: OBESITY. That's why his lead guitarist is built like a pig, and his drummer is a hog. Germans also admire ruthlessness, backstabbing, and rewarding devious little toadies and rats!

Gooker will try and censor the press, intimidate his inner circle, and pretend to be pleasant to the peasants. His minister of information and propaganda will be an especially spindly lizard. He will not, however, lead people to the gas chamber. No! He will give them a complicated map, charge them 500 Euros for it, and charge 500 more for tickets to the bus to the train to the bus to the death house, and another 50 Euros fuel charge for the gas!"

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