Wednesday, June 15, 2016

You Can't Spell McCullough without McCartney

The journeyman rocker who died the other day (after apparently being in bad shape due to a 2012 heart attack) was known for...being in Macca's back-up band, briefly.

Sad in a way, that any obit on McCullough has to instantly mention McCartney. Otherwise, people would skim right by, vaguely wondering, "I wonder who that old actress was. Somebody who must've played a witch in "Macbeth" or something, to judge from that awful hair and frightening smile."

Seems his big contribution was the fabulous guitar solo on "My Love," which nobody else on the planet could've done. And which I can't even fucking remember. And no, I'm not going to go listen to the fucking thing.

It was probably nice for Henry that he had the association, and got autograph seekers pestering him (because they collecting anyone associated with Macca). IF I'M BEING HONEST, without that credit on his resume, his obit would've been a lot smaller and more obscure.

But doesn't it say something about the ego of McCartney that ANYONE would actually split the band and walk out on huge pay days, because of "differences?"

What kind of control freak pest WAS McCartney? Hadn't he learned anything from The Beatles break-up, or did he figure, ala Brooker, that the best thing would be to declare I AM BOSS and simply hire a bunch of people he could push around?

What's he got now, by the way? Notice he doesn't call 'em his WINGS. They're just an almost completely anonymous bunch of nobodies. The exception would be the drummer, who is too big and fat and ugly (pardon while I use some Muhammad Ali insults) to NOT be noticed. The drummer is well known (among drummers, anyway) as a session man and well known (in FRANCE) for backing Mylene Farmer.

Back to Henry. Somehow he became the first (of many) to fly away from Wings. Lucky for him, he left before Paul paid that ill-fated visit to Niggeria where he encountered e-mail scammers, head hunters, and the first stirrings of Procol Haram.

Henry's big deal is that he played on some of the worst music Macca EVER recorded ("Bip Bop" anyone?) and some of the most fey-gay nonsense of all time, including that ridiculous "Admiral Halsey" thing, and that parody of James Bond music. IF I'M BEING HONEST (again) that song was ruined by that vaudeville shit in the middle "What does it matter to ya...")

So long Henry, it could've been worse. You could've played Norway with Barry Gooker pulling you by the nose and Roland the Pinhead nestling his nose up your arse.

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