Sunday, June 12, 2016

OK, Enough, Time For Burial: GRIMMIE SHELTER

Her 15 minutes of fame are over. And so is her life.

But let's be reasonable, she LOST on "The Voice" TWO YEARS AGO. She was singing in front of a camcorder on GOOTUBE and playing obscure clubs.

And there's always sooooooo many more murder victims to Tweet about, and only sooooooo many flowers we can buy to put at a tribute site. So, as they say in England, "off you go."

Grimmie's life, in the end, was reduced to some predictable Tweets from a few celebrities obligated to do "something." That would be the stars who were judges on "The Voice." Go to it:

What can you do. Life goes on. You TWEET and then GO EAT.

The guy who got there first was judge Adam Levine, Mr. Hunky Rock Star himself. Before she was officially pronounced dead, he went on INSTAGRAM with this appetizing photo.

As Elton John sang, "Now that it's all over, the birds can nest again. I'll only snow when the sun comes out I'll shine when it starts to rain..."

Oh, Jesus: "And if you want a drink, just squeeze my hand, and wine will flow into the land and feed my lambs."

Hopefully some Shauna Cuntwell will sing this as a tribute on GOOTUBE, adding an extra seventy or eighty vowel movements. No, no, I keed, I keed. It'll be "Candle in the Wind."

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