Tuesday, June 14, 2016


America has, vaguely, been watching the big "Leave the EU" scare.

Ooooh, if England leaves the EU, doesn't that mean that Brits will never be allowed to go on holiday to Spain? Joust with obnoxious Frenchies in Paris? See a red-faced ham named Gooker bellow Boko Haram tunes in Denmark?

We all know the truth. Leaving the EU doesn't mean boycotting Europe, fer Chrissake. But yes, the "FEAR FACTOR" is looming large. It includes blaming most everything on the BREXIT people, who, by Christ Our Lord and Savior, know not what they have wrought.

Yes, big scare headlines. In small print, the writer points out that Brexit has a 10% lead. This SHOULD suggest that a lot of very rational people are NOT falling for the notion that England will collapse with economic disasters piling high. What, Scotland will suddenly NOT export whiskey? The fucking Irish-Americans will not demand their favorite Irish beer in their noisy fucking pubs? Amazon will ban the sale of Benny Hill DVDs?

The "England will be in financial ruin" line is heard far more than "People don't want Cuntface Merkel packing Muzzies onto boats and planes and pointing them to England."

The Brexit story is marginal compared to the "Oh, another MUSLIM murdered dozens of people" story, or the "Gosh, do you think we should go back to banning assault rifles again?" question. On the latter, rednecks and other shits whine, "But yeeehaw, there's plenty on the black market so a Muzzie could get one, and yeeehaw, if they can't get one, they'll just make a bomb out of fertilizer and stick it in a pressure cooker or summpin."

Go figure. One particular brand of weapon was used in almost EVERY major disaster in America involving Muslims mowing down Americans. The exception was in Boston, where the two stink brothers used a bomb. The weapon in question was banned until a few years ago. But the NRA and redneck assholes are convinced that a law banning assault weapons will eventually lead to a ban on ALL guns. Some logic there, huh?

The big items in the news: the Muslim asshole who turns out to be a repressed fag, the BORING presidential race, and Brexit.

On the latter, Camoron keeps beating the drum of doom, and idiots keep getting more gunshy and timid about what is NOT such a big deal. What, England is slamming the door and can't get BACK into the EU if they want? Give this a try. Money talks in either direction. What we know for a fact is that people who talk in Arabic are making England a scary place to be, inhibiting trade and tourism. How about THAT, Cuntface Merkel?

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