Monday, March 2, 2015

It takes a baseball player: Curt Schilling gets Curt with troll toads

Curt Schilling was a tough bastard when he pitched for the Boston Red Sox.

With nothing better to do these days, he's on Twitter, sharing stupid shit that maybe his fans and family might care about. That includes an innocuous little tweetie about his sweetie. Papa's proud his daughter is going to college:

So, who the FUCK would consider this an invitation to post not just sarcastic "who cares" comments, but rape fantasies?

Sean MacDonald would. Why? Duhhhhhh, because he's a New York Yankees fan, I guess. He gets an orgasm every time he hears the asshole John Sterling (announcer of Yankees games on radio and TV) bellow after a victory, "Duhhhhhhhhhhh YANKEES WIN!"

No kidding. This is what professional sports commentary has come down to.

Unfortunately for Sean MacDonald, and another easy to track down snot named Adam Nagel, Curt Schilling had the money and the fame to do just that. TRACK THEM DOWN.

It seems MacDonald and Nagel thought they were like "Anonymous" and Zinfart and Hans Demented and other smirky misfits. Steal whatever you want, threaten people from mommy's basement, and figure you'll never be found.

Schilling didn't appreciate "tweets with the word rape, bloody underwear and pretty much every other vulgar and defiling word... My daughter comes to me beyond upset. She didn't do anything, she never said anything, yet she's now receiving personal messages with guys saying things to her, well let's just say I can't repeat and I'm getting beyond angry thinking about it."

Remember when "Netiquette" was a word? When people were saying, "Don't say to people in a forum what you wouldn't say face to face?" When the idea was not to use the Internet like a giant bathroom wall?

It's nice to know that once in a while, the trolls find out that "freedom of speech" doesn't include threats and jeering fantasies of rape and murder. Of course it does help if you're well known, rich and well-connected.

And I think everyone agrees that somebody's underage daughter is off limits. Or should be. Especially when she wasn't even the one to brag about getting into college. As if that's a reason to get literally and violently bloody-minded.

What doesn't help is that Twatter, Farcebook and the Great God Google don't usually give a damn about complaints and make it so easy for anyone to start playing games. Zuckerfuck and Anal-rim Brin aren't about to state to their Farcejerks and Googlers, "You don't get to play without giving us a valid credit card so that we can more easily trace you if you do something stupid."

But every now and then you have a pleasant story, and the image of Schilling spending a penny in the face of Sean MacDonald. You can bet that right now, that out of line fuckhead is OFF LINE.

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