Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lemmy Uber Alles

In Germany they're gonna goose-step down to the post office to buy up stamps featuring that photogenic phreak: LEMMY.

At first I thought this was some kind of sick joke. GERMANY honoring an AMERICAN rock star?

Ah, but it's a guy who just LOVED wearing Nazi-esque outfits.

LEMME get this straight: a country that not once but TWICE attempted to take over the world, and practiced genocide, and unleashed the worst monster in the 20th Century if not for all time, finds LEMMY's grim visage worth commemorating on postage stamps?

LEMMY tends to either look like a cross-eyed drunk, a pro-wrestler villain, or the head of a shitty headbanger rock band that was interested in nothing but drugs, noise and seeing how violent and psychotic a bunch of ignorant shits in the audience could get.

Germany, a nation that happily murdered six million Jews, including women and children, shows love for a guy wearing a Confederate symbol hat, with two rifles criss-crossed. The KKK of course hates Jews, but it's a lot easier to go after blacks. How embarrassing those times when an anti-Semite guns down people who look Jewish but aren't. The Germans didn't have such a problem; they simply turned on every neighbor and friend who was Jewish and turned them in and stole their property and took their lives.

Some things don't change much, do they?

Germany continues to celebrate the dark and sinister side of human nature, and welcomes the most bloodthirsty and savage of immigrants. I think when Bitch Merkel takes out her 45 caliber vibrator and jams her ancient stinking twat with it, she stares at Heironymous Bosch paintings for a turn-on. Or is it those concentration camp photos of naked corpses? Or is it LEMMY in concert, with close-ups of his warts?

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