Monday, May 23, 2016

Shame Da White Bitch! Yo LADY, Can I Sit WITCHOO????

Would you want this fucking 6'10" gorilla sitting next to you?

Maybe if you're a man. If you recognize him as a former basketball player. And if the seat next to you is going to big enough so he won't be crushing you.

If you're a woman? Alone?


But, yo, yo, yo, know wuttum sayin' let's make it a RAYSHUL ISHOOOOO.

Today's news is less about Isis or the fucking Presidential race, than EEEEETAN.

Click any search engine page of current news, and WHOOP, there it is.

Some pages won't let you get a good look at the guy's face because they'd rather annoy you. Like, Stay Up To Date on Etan Thomas news. If you try to click the banner to REMOVE IT, you get whisked off to a page where you should sign up, get your e-mail hacked, all to find out more about a big dopey ex-jock.

Gotta admit, the picture on the left IS funny.

It shows a cringing white dweeb who was given the seat the WHITE BITCH wouldn't give to the BIG NIGGA.

Yep, everybody has a camera at all times, so Etan decided to shame the WHITE BITCH and tell her he was posting her outrageous act to FARCEBOOK.

I'm not sure a fucking train is a "public space" for picture-taking, especially not of individual passengers. It's not the sidewalk. BUT, THERE 'TIS, FOLKS!

The story, if you is a NIGGA, is simple: you PO-lightly say "Is that seat taken," and the WHITE BITCH comes up with a WHITE LIE: "Yes, it is." Watta racist BITCH.

Especially when, a while later, you see her move her stuff and let a boring white guy sit down.

Mista Etan Thomas would tell you, that this is what the Nigga has to face EVER' day. He scares people. All 6 feet TEN of him. And Lord, YOU don't know what it's like being a Nigga. Even a somewhat famous one.

But guess what.

This nigga doesn't know what it's like to be a CUNT.

How about that?

How does EEEEEETAN know how often a nice looking white woman gets hit on? How many times she endures stupid wolf whistles and idiotic "Lookin' good" and "Hey, MAMA" taunts on the street? Woman IS the Nigger of the world.

How does EEEEEETAN know how often this woman, minding her own business, has some pushy bastard sit next to her and try to strike up "a little chit-chat." When she'd rather read. And NOT interact. And NOT have her space invaded.

How does EEEEEETAN know how many times niggas have come on to her and been insistent and annoying about it. The train was crowded. What if EEEEETAN began pulling nigger jive: "Hey, baby, I'm complimenting you, know wuttum sayin'? Oh, you don't date BLACK guys? Dat it....") She'd have to get up and wander off, forced to stand somewhere, or hope that some guy would offer her a seat and NOT use it as an invitation to be a moron.

What do we have?

Nigger and cunt. And they can't get along or see the others' point of view.

Maybe if EEEEETAN was only 5'10" he would've gotten that seat, even dressed in a fuckin' dashiki. Who knows.

The point is he decided to use his fame to make it purely a racial issue when he doesn't know FO' A FACK' that it was.

Does it end here? Maybe. Maybe NOT.

Maybe somebody recognizes the woman, rats her out to reporters, and she finds people at her door with more cameras and bright lights. She's an ordinary woman now thrust into the spotlight. She's become a target for hackers and wackos. She has to defend herself against racism. All because a rich nigga decided to take out his camera and "shame" her because HE decided she didn't want to hurt his feelings and say "No, the seat isn't taken, but I think you're going to be a big ugly pain in the ass, and white or black, you're too damn tall and ugly for me to take the chance."

Mr. Macho could've stood and told her, "OK, I'll wait till your friend gets back. If he doesn't come back, I'd like to sit down." And see what she did. But he was, in essence, just a fucking coward.

He'd rather make a scene later, all over the newspapers. That's a man? Did he handle this the right way either?

Meanwhile some poor white moron, who offered EEEEEEETAN his seat, is shamed, too. How many people at the office are giving him a hard time and laughing at him right now?

PS, the woman DID tell him that she dated a black guy in college. What she should've added, I guess, was "OK, you wanna sit down, SIT, but I'm reading, and I'm NOT interested in you. So excuse me if I'm presumptuous or think too highly of myself, but I'm NOT in the mood to be chatted-up and too many have done it. Just like too many have given YOU the skunk eye, or so you think."

Oh, but it took our minds off ISIS and climate change and the Kardashians for a little while. How lovely.

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