Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wally and Edward - The Great Romance

Somehow, a ridiculous Nazi and a slutty American socialite are STILL recalled with fondness.

Oooooooh what a romance.

The guy GAVE UP THE THRONE for this twat. Isn't that LOVERLY?

Somebody found some new pix of the fabulous couple, and we're all supposed to be charmed.

Why the nostalgia for this cunt and this prick, when we've got the ROYALS, William and Kate?

And how long is this fairy tale bullshit going to last with Muslims obliterating all that was and is unique about Great Britain?

Soon enough it will be blasphemy to mention any "Royal" past or present. "Royal" will be reserved for saluting some fat-bellied Arab King with a beard of extra armpit hair. More likely everyone will be forced to bow down ten times a day and pray to Allah-Kazam the Great Invisible One, or get a fatwa up to the neck.

It would be a different world if people realized that everyone is equal, and there's no such thing as ROYAL BLOOD or a Mohamed, Jesus or L. Ron Hubbard needing human sacrifices and rigid enforcement of inane superstitions.

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