Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Dutch Douchebag Might Get His WIsh

"Be careful what you wish for."

And "Be careful with the time you have left."

Heh heh. We remember the Dutch douchebag who was selfishly promoting himself as the "Blogfather" so he could make money, and get "Rapidshare points" for a free account so he could download porn. Any copyright owner who objected was set on by this pig and his angry mob of maggots and parasites. "We say you should be paid a lump sum and get no royalties," they jeered, "we'll re-up everything we've stolen from you. And we wish you AIDS with EBOLA!"

What goes around comes around. And it won't be long.

If the Middle East is the planet's armpit, there's no question Africa is its anus. A dark shit-stained anus. Full of stupid shit.

Africa, the continent that gave us AIDS, is now creating a new and difficult strain of EBOLA...and since it's mostly being passed around to monkeys and filthy idiots and the poor, nobody gives a damn. It's now only a matter of time before more and more jerks come crawling to Europe and America with it, as they did with AIDS...and it just may reach Holland and crawl right up the big fat diverticulitis-ridden ass of the Dutch douchebag himself.

Mother Nature doesn't play games. You spray pesticides, and it comes back at you. You pollute, it comes back at you. You douse yourself in anti-bacterial soaps and you get resistant strains of bacteria. You destroy wildlife and forests...you get climate change. Mother Nature fights back, and the ONLY way to preserve this planet is if the human race goes extinct. If EBOLA does it, then EBOLA will. Or another plague.

Sob, sob, sob, no more Beach Boys music. A planet where only birds chirp and bees buzz...and disgusting, filthy, brainless, stupid jerks like the Dutch douchebag will lie rotting in the soil. Rotting...to be eaten by rats and insects immune to the diseases that took down the hideous human race.

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