Monday, July 7, 2014

Andrew Robert Rector Ugly Fat Greedy Baseball Fan Swine Wants $$$$

Ever hear of an obese stupid-looking porker named Andrew Robert Rector?

Of course not...till he decided to be a greedy pig. Now EVERYBODY knows who this asshole is.

And I say he IS an asshole. And that's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it.

Got that, fat stupid Andrew Robert Rector? It IS called "Freedom of Speech." I think you're a dumbass. I think you're ugly. I think you're a slob and a shit-for-brains retard. I hope you never go to a baseball game again.

I hope an elephant sits on your head, but how you can sit on your own head, I have no idea.

I haven't encountered such a thoughtless, oblivious, totally moronic greedy pig-faced hog like you in, oh, at least the past 24 hours. (After all, America IS home to a lot of hot-air balloons like you...and dung beetles who expect money just for falling asleep!)

Here's shit-for-brains Andrew Robert Rectum:

THIS is what gluttonous gluten-brained gobs of garbage do: they fall asleep!

Why? Because they are FAT. They have no energy. They are shitpiles of coagulated dung.

There are kids who would've hopped up and down and jumped for joy at the chance to go to a real baseball game. This pig can only waddle to the toilet. Maybe. He COULD be wearing adult diapers.

Baseball games are very expensive. You can spend up to $400 for a good box seat at Yankee Stadium. $50 for mildly acceptable seats up in the grandstands where the morons bray. The crappiest seats are $20.

And so this fucking hopeless dope, this jerkfaced ugly dumbass Andrew Robert Rector the Rectum gets to the game and falls asleep and the game isn't half over???

What a slob.

To judge from where he's sitting, I'd say the prick paid at least between $50 and $75 for that ticket...probably a lot more, because all Yankees vs Red Sox games are scalped heavily.

It says right on the ticket that you can be photographed. The cameras CAN and WILL rove the stands from time to time. You WILL be on television. So fuckin' look alive, asshole, dumbfuck blubber face. In fact the ticket specifically warns you that you need to STAY AWAKE because a fuckin' foul ball could smack you in the conk at any time!

It would've served Andrew Robert Rector Rectum right if he got hit in the head and died.

He's filed a lawsuit because YOUTUBE got about 100,000 views on a short clip from the game? A clip in which he isn't even insulted?? Where he is not named?? He's claiming "emotional stress."

Boo hoo, fat boy. Boo fuckin' hoo. This turkey works in the Bronx in some lowlife spaz job or other and wants a pay day. Isn't THAT the truth?

What a pussy. His feelings were hurt? A guy from the BRONX is gonna cry in court that his FEELINGS were hurt? Boooooo hoooooo chubby blubber, keep right on blubbering. I hope you get counter-sued and you lose everything.

Obviously fatso didn't hear anything when the game was actually telecast. He was asleep. Now he's whining because people left "bad" comments on YouTube? That a few thousand people watching a forgettable baseball game saw some un-named fat guy criticized for falling asleep?

What a con artist. What a fairy. What a simpering wimp. He wants pain and suffering $$$$? He can't work anymore? His heart is going pitter-pat inside that elephant wall of fat?

On the clip, the announcers say: "This guy's oblivious…that's not the place you come to sleep…is he here alone? It's only the fourth inning…did he sleep through the Beltran homer? 40,000 stand up and cheer and he sleeps through it?"

THIS is worth ten million dollars??


If he kept quiet and didn't try to extort money for nothing, people would've forgotten about it! Doesn't he feel MORE pressure now, now that newspapers have written him up and thousands MORE people are saying he's a shit head?

What a piece of shit this fat ugly stupid ANDREW ROBERT RECTOR the RECTUM is. A typical whining lawyer-chasing CREEP. A lowlife.

Now the world knows that there's a lazy fat slob who had enough money to buy a ticket to a game he didn't even stay awake to see...who wants even MORE money to waste.

I hope you choke on the next 64 ounce soda you start drinking out of the bottle. FAT PIG.

This is just my opinion, Andrew. But if you want to make something out of it, I'll beat your ugly fucking fat face so hard, you will sleep PERMANENTLY. Got that?

If you've got any more baseball tickets, give them to some kid who needs and wants them and will appreciate them. YOU are SHIT.

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