Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Oh, it's just like the good old days, when Hitler fell in love with Mussolini.

Wolfgang's Vault, which somehow turned bootlegging into legal abuse, has partnered with Google's copyright-spitting YouTube.

Do "music lovers" give a shit if the artists don't get a dime? Ach, ach...let them sell t-shirts!

I don't mean to imply the Internet Fascism is anything new...there was, and is, Fascism in the real world, and it's been going on a long time. Some people DO remember Hitler and Mussolini. Or Napoleon. Or Julius Caesar. Or whoever...

Back in the days when analog vinyl meant you had to shoplift or deal with an inferior tape copy, artists did all right. You bought their product. Record companies may have offered shit contracts, and managers and agents may have cheated the artists, but the artists could still make a living.

When they toured, they put up with shitty transportation, shittier hotels, and conniving promoters who didn't give them many promo tickets and made lots of extra money by charging photographers to take pix in the venue, and charging the artists for the privilege of recording a show.

Promoter Bill Graham was no angel, of course. But he may have gone straight to hell when he croaked and somehow all those not-very-legal concert recordings he had became "Wolfgang's Vault," accessible if you PAID.

Now who the fuck Wolfgang is, I don't know and I don't care. I just remember that the Nazi-esque offer was to pay for access to listen to this shit. Oh yeah, the Blogspot (Google owned) jerkoffs were screaming "never sell, just trade, just give it away," but not every bootlegger believes that their "hard work" should go unrewarded, or their "hard work" should be given away ONLY if they say so.

Anyway, it seems like the Wolfgang bunch have squeezed all the blood possible, and are now ready to make a new devil deal...this time with GOOGLE. So once again, GOOGLE gets rewarded for fucking over the artists, stomping on copyright, blocking DMCA's, using their "Chilling Effects" to make sure THEY make all the money...

What the fuck else is new?

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