Wednesday, July 2, 2014

YouTube is "Fuck You Tube" to Artists. Surprised?

Rolling Stone mentions that YOUTUBE is just as nasty to artists as...Spotify...or any of the fucking Internet monopolies. The nations of the world have given Internet monsters all the laws they've needed to get rich...and to be as Fascistic as they please.

Now it's too late to sue for anti-trust violations or hit these assholes with meaningful fines. Now it's "we're the monopoly, our way or the highway," and that includes people on YouTube getting chicken shit payments while GOOGLE keeps the lion's share.

Here's the latest FUCK YOU from YOUTUBE:

It goes on and on and on.

Another story, too nauseating to screen capture, led with a photo of bald-headed cocksucker Jiffy Jeff Katzenberg, pissing around on stage at "Vidcon" (a cheesy convention to swindle people into thinking they can make money with YouTube etc.). Slimeboy Jeff, a CEO for Creamworks or some other cum-guzzling Hollywood outfit, was talking about his new "YouTube Nation" channel. To him, YouTube is "an ocean of opportunity." Smells fishy, Katzenfart.

Other assholes were also distributing the Kool Aid, including ball-less Barry Blumberg, fuckbuddy at the appropriately named Defy Media. "When YouTube started out," he marveled, it was just a bunch of short clips and cat and dog bloopers. Now? Oooooooh, NOW it's SUCH a golden opportunity!

Yeah, according to the jerks invited to blab at "Vidcon," there's nothing quite like YouTube to make you a star overnight. Just look at that fat slob and his "Gangnam Style" garbage. Watta star.

But rather than go off on a rant, let's just say that there's so much shit on YouTube that 99.9999% of it never gets more than 50 views. Most of it never makes more than chump change for those who desperately "monetize" what they upload...which is usually shit they don't even own, like music videos and TV and movie clips. Some hustlers get around copyright laws by pretending to "review" what they post. "Ten Funniest Movie Clips" is a "review" of them, not stealing 10 movie clips to make some YouTube money. Get it? That's Jeffy-lube Katzencunt's idea of a great and moral business model.

You aren't making enough money, Jeff, you have to shill for the Nazi bastards of Google? Really? Bald-headed fuckfaced human lima bean that you are? Dirtbag dipshit Google-sucker that you are?

All the news about Google's YouTube lately is really a warning that a) copyright owners are getting raped, and b) anyone who thinks this is a way to get rich is a fool.

The bottom line is that Google pays peanuts and THEY are the ones reaping huge profits.

How funny, when the Dutch Douche and Mephisto the Bitch and all the others, screamed and hollered that the record companies and BMI and the RIAA were making a fortune unjustly, so it was ok to steal all the music and use Google's Blogspot to do it. Yeah. Google. SO much better, huh? They're doing the same no advance, and a tiny royalty and keeping it all for themselves.

But does anyone care when there's entertainment for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE? NO. Fuck the artists. Fuck the entertainers and the creative people that are bringing you a moment of happiness on this rotten planet.

The big dangling lure, promoted by fishface Jeffrey Kocksen-his-mouth and other drips, is that YOU, yes YOU, can be that 100 million-to-one winner who goes "viral." Maybe, if you work at it for years and years, buildig up subscribers and tossing out fresh material every week, YOU could get a "deal" to put all your YouTube shit on a DVD (with Google taking most of the money, right??)

Smoke and mirrors, friends. Meanwhile Google makes even more bucks for themselves wih their distracting ads, their "watch a 30 second commercial to view a 10 second funny video clip" and other games.

Google is also happily protected by the lax DMCA laws that say "copyright owners must jump through hoops and prove they own the items being given away." There's no law saying Google must "under penalty of perjury, fines and jail," NOT allow assholes in Holland or Germany or Sweden or anywhere else to upload copyrighted material to Blogspot or YouTube. Nah. That would make too much sense...saying that if an item is flagged, the uploader MUST PRODUCE DOCUMENTATION. Nah, that might hurt poor Googly-Googly-Goo and they might have to hire one or two extra workers.

You remember the song "and no one's gettin' fat except Mama Cass?" Well, no one's gettin' rich except The Great God Google.

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