Saturday, July 5, 2014

Swine! Pig Shit America! Deadly Virus Killing Hogs

One thing the Jews and Muslims agree on: DON'T EAT PIGS.

Maybe soon you simply won't be able to find any.

Pigs are getting the shits. As if the rivers of pig shit that plague every pig farm aren't bad enough! Pigs are now shitting themselves to death.

A swine virus is claiming thousands of pigs every week. Expect a rise in bacon prices and pork hot dogs.

As previously reported here, pig farming is disgusting. The amount of waste involved in it is staggering...and you'd be staggering literally if you had to wade through a swamp of pig shit...not to mention that entrails and carcasses and waste from the slaughterhouse.

The Chinese LOVE pigs. They account for FIFTY PERCENT of the pig consumption in the world.

So what will the future hold? Only the Chinese, who have secret deals with American pig farms, get first crack at turning piggies into Moo Shoo Pork?

This is just the beginning, folks. Mother Nature gets mighty nasty with the Monsanto types and the other pigs and scum who muck about with mass-produced murder and gross, chemical-filled farming. Eventually it all spirals out of control with viruses and plagues and cancers.

The fact is that most food consumption in the UK and USA is "recreational eating," and most of the fuckheads who can't do without bacon really SHOULD do without it. That goes double for obnoxious shit like pork rind.

Obnoxious shit...that's pig diarrhea...that's what's going on now, with "no end in sight." And you don't want to SEE the end of a shitting pig.

One day there just won't be any more. Th-th-th-that's all, folks!

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