Monday, February 23, 2015

A LEGEND in his own mind

Gee, there are more BLACK men incarcerated now than there were slaves in 1850.

Who said dat?

The guy who calls himself "Legend." Prune-faced Johnny Legend, to be exact, the millionaire who, because he's black, got to be on the Oscars show and who, because he's black, got an Oscar for some forgettable song that's just another tired, boring rhapsody in black.

But get this, Hollywood, you are NOT off the hook. Sure, your sanctimonious fruity host declared the evening to be a salute "to the whitest...ah, the brightest," joining the other Liberals in pouting because the awards weren't black enough. NOT enough.

(PS, Neil, why didn't you tell the Oscars you were WHITE and therefore, should NOT be host? WHY didn't you tell 'em JOHNNY LEGEND should be the host? Why didn't you ask for a black co-host?)

And letting Legend tell the world that America is a rotten racist country and that thieves, rapists and murderers in prison are just helpess "slaves" put in jail by Whitey? NOT ENOUGH, Hollywood.

And America, you too. It's YO fault that so many blacks are in prison. None of them would be there if America gave every member of the exploding black population all the food stamps and welfare and housing they need. Free.

Nevermind that Asians come to this country and learn the language and strive to be the best students in some mediocre school. Ignore that SOME ethnic groups have no problem at all and aren't lazy and spoiled. You really think white America wants to see loads of Asians all over the place? They don't. They don't want Jews either. They don't want Latinos either. But assimilate, shut the fuck up in a movie theater, and don't stink up the hallway with your lousy food, and it can be all right. PS, it helps if you don't riot and have a reputation for killing and raping, and for the worst music on Earth.

Somehow, when black people get ahead by going to school, they are considered Uncle Toms. Freaks. But when blacks end up thugs and criminals and actually get put away for it, then it's because those same schools that graduated plenty of blacks, have to be to blame. Really? Why is it that everybody in even the worst school, didn't end up a criminal? Why did some become useful citizens?

Nevermind. Let the "Legend" spit all over the front row of rich white people, and tell millions around the world that black people in jail should've been held by the hand and walked to school, and sat down with private tutors, when even their own parents didn't give a shit about 'em.

I've known teachers who were literally KICKED by black students and SHOUTED DOWN by the black parents for trying to make a difference. To do well in school you have to take the toothpick out of your mouth, sit up straight, stop shucking and jiving, and do your homework instead of going out on the corner to do drugs. It helps if you don't skip school to go fornicate in an alley. But the black students don't wanna hear that shit, and neither do their animal parents. But go ahead, blame it on DA MAN.

And some yowling shitty song wins Best Oscar over Glen Campbell, whose tune was as mainstream as "Wichita Lineman" but far, far more important. Blacks won so too bad, WHITEY. And dat's da name o' dat tune.

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