Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Kardashians, Jenners - Celeb White Trash Keepin' it Classy

It was more entertaining when it was Liz Taylor vs Debbie Reynolds. Or Lennon vs McCartney. Or Lillian Hellman vs Mary McCarthy. Or Gore Vidal vs William Buckley. IF a celebrity feud reached the public, there used to be some wit behind it, or at least, an interesting moral dilemma on which fans could take sides.


Now most celebrities the tabloids report on are white trash, or blacks who fit the stereotype of "not knowing how to behave." That would be black rappers especially, since they usually become famous for their violence as much as their music. Recall the late Tupac and Notorious Biggie Smalls.

Did Kanye get to be a superstar because he smiled, or could sing on key? Nope. And he attracted the most slutty white woman on the planet to create a Super Duo of slime. Perhaps the biggest fascination with the Kardashians and Jenners, is that these are all white women who crave black guys.

And that's what is behind (sigh) the latest torrid and turdy "feud." It involves THIS monster, who is more black than white. It's Amber Rose. Just what the fuck she is, I'm not even sure. A celebutard? An actual singer or actress or just a reality show freak? Somebody famous for fucking black guys?

She has "freak appeal," with her nearly bald, white-dyed head, tattoos and gigantic boobs.

Today's headlines are about her illiterate text-speak twatty snotty TWEETS.

Now, what, in this age of road rage murders, Muslim psychos, pornographic priestesses and climate change, makes ANYONE care about white trash idiots and black morons being low-class and trash-tweeting?

Yet, whoop, here 'tis:

Say what? OK, it seems that the newspapers of America, now run by semi-literate interns, mostly young blacks who only care about low culture, want ME to be concerned or excited about which black rappers are fucking which vanilla slut tarts. Kanye West was fucking Amber, but he then wanted fat-ass Kim. Amber's pissed off at Kim AND her sister Khloe, and now one of the hideous spawn of Kris Kardashian Jenner, Kylie Jenner, is following the DNA pattern and throwing herself at some black cretin, and Amber doesn't like it?

That it? That's what should be occupying our minds? The mindless?

What makes this tragic, and not at all hip, is the tweets. The level of insults in this black, illiterate world are so lame. There was a time when black people at least knew how to be somewhat amusing with that shit. Looking at a homely woman: "Damn, somebody hit her in the face with the ugly stick!" Then there were "SNAPS." Now?

Now there's a divide where you can barely understand the "English language" the blacks and 20-somethings use. It's crap, it's code, and since these people don't read, it's not clever or funny.

Check the Tweets. This is the English language in the 21st Century??

I couldn't even begin to imitate that. If I had to write a contemporary novel with characters who were young or black, I'd be SUNK. 2 bad 4 me, yo. (That's as good as it gets. Amber has me well beat.)

We see low class behavior as news every day. It's no longer even, "Ha, look at these niggas behaving like wild animals, trampling each other in Wal-mart, pulling each others wigs off at the Waffle House, shooting each other and not even caring if babies get their heads blown off..."

It's now so common it's taken for granted. Of COURSE black people are going to start cursing and throwing things on the subway. Of COURSE white trash teenagers will go missing and end up gang-raped and dead. Of COURSE black celebrities and 20-something celebrities are going to have wardrobe malfunctions, leaked porn pictures, or just go nuts in public with their egotism and rages.

If a celebrity doesn't behave like all her peers (that would be Taylor Swift), she's roundly hated, and goaded into doing something, anything, that can be used against her. But so far, no, a paparazzi hasn't been able to peer through her window and catch her naked, or catch her spreading her legs while leaving a limo, or taking dope or getting into a cursing match with someone.

Fortunately, the no-talents of the world like Kardashian, Jenner and Amber Rose offer plenty, and so THEY become hugely famous for nothing except classless trashiness.

Even if you don't want to, you are forced, just in trying to get to the REAL NEWS, to know all about the origins of Kim Kardashian and her sisters, step-sisters Kylie and Kendall Jenner, tha Kris Kardashian Jenner was always having affairs with black guys, that her two ex-husbands are a) dead and b) becoming transsexual, and that this miserable bunch are feuding with all the other dumb bitch celebutards and drawing in every repulsive black rapper or athlete that can fit in their massive cunts.

Which leads to these beeeatches dissin' each other over who has the worst leaked nude photos.

Before the days of the vocoder, the filthy lyric, the repetitive "all about that bass" and other garbage, there were songwriters such as Kander and Ebb. No, I'm not some big Broadway musical fag, or an old fogey, but I gotta say, there was one song in "Chicago" that I hear in my head quite often. One line from it:

"Whatever happened to CLASS?"

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