Monday, February 23, 2015

Who did "Something Stupid?" Cameron, allowing Muslim Immigration

Oh, what a surprise. Muslims who came pushing and shoving into England, refusing to doff their burkas, refusing to assimilate, are now pushing and shoving OUT of England to join ISIS. And there are those who came here JUST to behead people in the street.

To say that it's STUPID to allow potentially homicidal maniacs into the country is to be racist. So we'll be getting more headlines like this.

So tell me Habeeb, how much British money do you want Cameron to spend to bring your bitches back?

Where were YOU? How come your brats got "radicalized?" As stupid as teenagers are, not all of them go running to join a bunch of murderers and rapists who are known to abuse women and set men on fire.

At this point in the 21st Century, IF I'M BEING HONEST, immigrants can FUCK OFF, and that applies to all of 'em all over the world. They just aren't needed. Every country has people unemployed.

It is ESPECIALLY ridiculous to bring in jerks who won't learn the language, or won't adopt the NORMAL customs of their new country. You won't doff the Halloween outfits? FUCK OFF.

Yeah, a few people in that picture look all right. Except their fuckhead daughters or sons could join ISIS any minute, or simply become terrorists in their adopted land and shoot up an office or behead a policeman.

"Ohh, so sorry," moans Habeeb, "I had no idea my son would start killing Jews. I had no idea my daughter would go live with some black fuckhead and join him in blowing up a bus." My question, who the fuck needed YOU here in the first place? Why didn't you stay in your beloved Syria or Iran or Iraq or whatever, and fight the terrorists? Why didn't you stay in Palestine and tell Hamas to get the fuck out?

I think "SOMETHING STUPID" is ceding an entire country to terrorists, and watching them get out of control because you thought they'd only stop when all the Jews and Christians were gone.

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