Friday, February 20, 2015

OSCARS? Your favorite coke and cock addicts get $150,000 to SHOW UP

Anyone under 30 still watching the fucking ACADEMY AWARDS show?

Most of us have outgrown our worship of mere movie stars. The ones around now are hardly worth admiration at all. They're mostly a bunch of cocksuckers (men and women), coke addicts, narcissists and low-class cattle.

The ones who SEEM to be nice, level-headed and humble could well be hiding a private life of Cosby-like proportions. Or worse.

Yes, creative people are often morally bent out of shape, or egotistic. But why give them that much of an excuse, when UNcreative people, like Hedge Fund weasels, bankers and lawyers are just as prone to visit S&M whores, or indulge in rape and murder?

The shameless fucking Oscars show is shamelessly promoting how $150,000 in "gifts" are being given to all the nominees. Just show up. That's the bribe. The shit is even on display.

Yeah. Hard to feel too sorry about downloading a screener off Kickass, huh? Somehow, even with movies being shot in Canada, or in Hungary or other cheap locations, even with using non-union personnel, and even with paying scale for all but the top cast members, and often NOTHING for mere extras, Hollywood has LOTS of money to waste on the "big night," and making sure the spoiled brats arrive. And they arrive in their free outfits ("What are you wearing" gets them anything a designer has in the showroom).

Companies that fuck YOU over with high prices, and never give YOU a bargain even on the shipping, and hardly even act polite when you try and deal with them, are rushing to tell the world what they give celebrities free. I suppose they also pay a huge amount of graft to "the Academy" as well. As in: "Can we give all your celebrities a free vacation or a hot new bike?" Answer: "Sure, and what's in it for US? You have to pay a FEE to give our people prizes."

Did Ray Davies know that the stars with their names cemented into Hollywood Boulevard often PAID over TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN FEES to get honored with the plaque? "Oh, we'd love to honor you free, but there's the upkeep, our fees..."

An Oscar nomination isn't enough reason to show up? No. It's to get a certificate for:

A $12,500 luxury vacation from a tour company I won't name

An $11,500 Nine-night Italian vacation package from another tour company I won't name.

$20,000 worth of car rentals from a fancy company I won't name.

A $1,200 "designer bike" with automatic transmission.

$800 in candy from a fancy-ass candy company that wants obese people to know about them.

$280 in assorted maple syrups and jellies from a company that wants you to think this is shit George Clooney slurps, so YOU should buy it, too.

$75 in apples from, yes, a "designer" mail-order orchard.

$20,000 in astrology readings from some con artists.

$5,000 for a "facelift" treatment, so you can look as bad as Meg Ryan.

And there's much, much more. $4,000 for liposuction. $270 for some designer watch. $250 for a vibrator and $50 worth of "designer" condoms. And on and on.

Some asshole named Tony Hale is giving every star in Hollywood an autographed copy of his new book. A $20 value. You can bet he didn't just call his publisher and say "Send over 100 books." Or 200. Or whatever. He probably paid THOUSANDS to annoy top producers and directors by having to see his shitty book.

In true Hollywood "aren't we wonderful" fashion, the show is being hosted by a GAY guy. Last year it was a LESBIAN. Next year, ooh, maybe a transgender black??

Most people haven't seen any of the movies, because going to the movies is such an obnoxious, literally stinking experience. Maybe a few films, which are a year old and are now on DVD, were rented. SOME of us have simply downloaded illegally. But really, it's just about the bullshit, and nothing else. When was the last time there were more than two nominees in any category that you cared about? And why should you? What's important in your miserable life? It sure isn't whether Bradley Gooper wins for "American Snotball" or Benedict Cumstainedsnatch for "The Irritation Game."

For years now, aside from the minor "vicarious thrill" factor of imagining YOU won, and listening to an emotional speech, and thinking if you'd do it like that, the most entertaining feature has been "In Memorium."

Because like those in the clips, the entertainment world is DEAD.

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